Unlimited Run Jyn's Doll "Stormie" - Rogue One


Master Member
Now Selling!

My 3D Printed kit of Jyn's Doll "Stormie" is now available! The kit is $40.00. Shipping is $10.00 to the US or Canada or $15.00 to anywhere else.

Each kit includes 14 pieces and a length of black elastic cord. Parts are very clean, but may need a bit of clean-up or sanding.

If you'd like to order one, please fill out the order form & send the PP:

theRPF Order Form for rgriesbeck

Pics (untouched)



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Re: Stormtrooper Kids "Doll" - Rogue One

Very cool idea, sign me up, was their any additional details for it in the vidual dictonary?
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