Colin Droidmilk
Sr Member
At the climax, why didn't the Death Star melt the Falcon on approach? Seems ships bigger than snub-fighters can get through after all.
No... please explain!
Luke's fall was cushioned by powerful air currents inside the tibanna gas processor.
Or he used The Force. He could lift objects by that time. Maybe he could pull himself into an air duct.
There is nothing that establishes the location of Tarkin's office.Given the planetary size of the Death Star, why does Tarkin have such a poxy little combined conference room/office? Is the whole of the rest of the Death Star crammed with indispensable functional stuff or what? Also, that's some coincidence that it's located - in planetary terms - right on top of the hangar that draws in the Falcon.
1. Why didn't the rebels pick a more tropical location for the rebel base?
2. Luke is a whiny little byatch in ANH! Whining to Uncle Ben about Tashi Station and all!
3. If Luke was developing skills in the Force why couldn't he have easily sensed that Leia was his sister especially after that "first base" kiss!
"But I wanted to go to the Toshi station and pick up some power converters!"
Always saw him as a whining little brat that thought he knew everything in SW.
There is nothing that establishes the location of Tarkin's office.
Here's a few more:
2. Totally looks like Ben commits suicide and lets Vader kill him. Pretty heavy.
And Luke probably didn't want to show up in his peasant gear to the Yavin medal ceremony... so he got rid of the farmer's pants and leg wraps and borrowed Han's brown ESB pants along with a nifty pair of Corellian boots.The Lando wearing Han's clothes thing is awesome.
I suppose if you flee from your home with nothing, you have to get a change of clothes somewhere. The rebel fleet probably doesn't have a shopping mall and since Han wasn't going to need them... I guess it makes sense.
maybe he snuck into Wedge's closet for that one.
Doesn't the fact that Vader can zip from Tarkin's office to fight Ben indicate it's pretty close? If it was on the other side of the Death Star, then I think we should've seen Vader get into a travel tube that can go at about 100,000mph to get to where Ben is.