Makeup & Effects Lab Prop Party April 16 N. Hollywood

Please tell me more about the Nautilus inspired creature.
Who brought it & is it from Mysterious Island?
It was brought in by Harry Blom, he works here at MEL. I'll ask him tomorrow and get the details on it.
Damn I always miss these prop parties by a couple days! I live not far from Noho and work around there as well. Looks like I really missed out :cry

Edit: just went through the pictures and I DEFINITELY missed out on this opportunity. Will be keeping my eye on the prop party thread.
Anyone who wants to be notified of the next prop party should email me and I'll put you on an invite list.
The "nautilus" is actually modeled after an Amonite which is a jurasic precurser to a nautilus. The smallest of which were 3/4" in diam and the largest was 12', according to Harry.

It is not from Mysterious Island although Harry gets asked that a lot.