Master Chief H4 armor and undersuit

Shoulders and biceps with two coats of resin (one inside and one outside) and with the inside fiberglassed

Assembled shoulder plates and biceps!!!!! The two pieces are assembled using two metal joints. The upper joint is glued and covered with bondo. The lower joint is fixed to the shoulder plates with 2 bolts, so that I can assemble them when I want to wear them and take the two pieces apart for storing:

How the two joints fix the shoulder plates and biceps:

Shoulders_biceps_assembled_May2016 (1).JPG

Shoulders_biceps_assembled_May2016 (2).JPG

....and this is the result:
Shoulders_biceps_assembled_May2016 (4).JPGShoulders_biceps_assembled_May2016 (26).JPGShoulders_biceps_assembled_May2016 (28).JPG
Undersuit ready!

First, I've assembled the pieces over a black fabric

Sottocorazza_Giugno2016 (2).JPG

I've cut the fabric, then I've glued and sewed the pieces of the undersuit over it

Sottocorazza_Giugno2016 (4).JPGSottocorazza_Giugno2016 (6).JPG

I've sewed the striped behind the undersuit...
Sottocorazza_Giugno2016 (5).JPG

...and on the T-shirt

Sottocorazza_Giugno2016 (3).JPG

And this is the final result

Sottocorazza_Giugno2016 (9).JPGSottocorazza_Giugno2016 (11).JPG

...and this is how it looks under the armor

Sottocorazza_Giugno2016 (13).JPGSottocorazza_Giugno2016 (14).JPG
Been away from the forums for a while, great to see you still making progress on this, everythings looking great!
Thanks a lot!!! Things are proceeding slowly unfortunately..
However, if you guys can suggest to me a link where I can buy an adhesive film to put on my visor, I thank you in advance ;)....
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Hi guys, I'm struggling to find a way to make my visor like the one of the master chief. I'm looking for a transparent film right now....any advice? Thanks!!!