My ANH OWK lightsaber cut away project

I've added two blue LEDs to the emitter section.

B) That's one bright LED. The second LED is inside the cut-up brass grenade neck and illuminates the smaller gem. The aluminum tube (conduit) will eventually be inside one leg of the display stand.


damn, i dunno whether to cry at the cut up obi parts or smile at the sheer coolness of the cutaway you have going so far.

looking good man.

how in the world did you attach those "sensor" parts to the emitter?

I think we had a conversation on prop circle once upon a time, but either way, let's pretend we didn't. I'm off 400 and about 30 minutes from the city and one of these weekends I'd REALLY love to drop by your pad and see this thing up close. I'm imagining the finished piece, base and all and it's going to be great....I'm practically speechless...The details you are choosing to highlight on the prop are perfect thus far and the progress shots are a credit to the hard work you will no doubt continue to put into it. Great stuff..
Intial thoughts are it's criminal to cut up a sabre, but seeing the time & effort going into your project makes it all seem worth while - and you'll end up with a unique item that I'm sure a lot of people will want & be jealus over.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hydin @ Mar 2 2007, 10:08 PM) [snapback]1430468[/snapback]</div>
damn, i dunno whether to cry at the cut up obi parts or smile at the sheer coolness of the cutaway you have going so far.

looking good man.

how in the world did you attach those "sensor" parts to the emitter?


:) Thanks Chris,


Before cutting the inner emitter piece in half, I drilled 16 small holes in it aligned with the existing holes. In each of these drilled holes, I super-glued some short pieces of brass tube. From a 2:00 AM inspiration :) , I twisted some copper wire around each sensor and clipped it off leaving about a 1/16" which was then super-glued inside the brass tubes. The next step will be to glue the "actuators" on the inside.
I've made a little progress on the "body" of my saber project

The "reactor" right-to-left: The fuel rod actuators, one of which is cut-away to reveal the internal piston, the fuel rods around the core, the energy coupling assembly (has a strong resemblance to 12AWG copper wire :p ), and the 5MeV electron beam generator.

The gold-leafed plasma chamber, with focusing coil and control circuitry.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(lesternessman @ Mar 3 2007, 12:28 AM) [snapback]1430525[/snapback]</div>
I think we had a conversation ... I'm off 400 and about 30 minutes from the city and one of these weekends I'd REALLY love to drop by your pad and see this thing up close.
Would like for you to see it. PM sent.

Oh, that is just sick and wrong. I need to get some fresh air before I pass out from how cool that keeps looking.
:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :D
im about 3 hours away, but id still love to see it. LOL..

that is seriously shaping up to be the best cutaway to date, and its up against some really heavy hitters.
I'd like to build one but I have a black and white cat not a tabby- does that make a difference?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Luke Warmwater @ Mar 17 2007, 11:14 AM) [snapback]1442034[/snapback]</div>
I'd like to build one but I have a black and white cat not a tabby- does that make a difference?

:) That's Otis Bartholomew (OB :p ). He's a year old, 12 lb, classic brown tabby Maine Coon. Good cat. I do believe though that any cat would be glad to help you build your saber. (I'd be gald to help too.)
