My Randy Cooper SD build-up... in progress

Dave I would love to see some pictures of your SD in a space scene,total black with one light sorce.I remember seeing someone post pictures of a SSD like that and it looked awesome.Again GREAT job on the build.

Someone would have to photoshop it for me. I'm daft at that. :)

Had a little fun with it. I'm not very good at this.. but it's just so pretty, I had to! :lol

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They look really fantastic, Dave isn't it ace when you see one of your builds in space? I just got really addicted to this with my X. These are great shots & I cant wait to see some more..... top draw.
WOW! Thats amazing!
The 1/700 battleships you used, are they both Dragon, as i dont seem to be able to find a listing for the Missouri
Yes, both Dragon. I did see it listed on a website not too long ago, but can't remember the one I visited. It was unrelated and I just happened upon it.

try tamiyas waterline series as it has apparently replaced the waterline series offered by Dragon. It's still being promoted on Dragon's site however, but it's listed as Tamiya now. The good news is that it has even more photoetched parts with it than before.
Very Nice Indeed!
I like the "tri-flaps" on the engine like ANH. I was thinking of adding that detail too. All the "extras" you added are cool. ...and the ANH Antenna too.

I don't suppose you have any pictures of the inner workings I plan on light mine too It just seems such a daunting task.
Also did you use Randy's resin frames for the interior or create an acrylic or metal inside armature? Sorry for the pesky questions...

Great Job man!
Thanks, Mike
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Thanks guys, yes I did use randy's resinframework inside, but I plan to reinforce with some aluminum strips and epoxy in the future. I'm also gonna add magnets to secure the top hull to the bottom at the same time. At present, the inside of my SD looks like the proto except it has lots of FO bundles in there.

Dave :)
Those Lit pictures look great!
How many Portals/Light holes would you estimate? --just curious probably best not to count while doing them- it might seem too daunting.
But well worth the effort considering the fabulous results
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I used two full bundles of fiberoptics that came with the 2 FO lights I got from walmart. Each light had 1500 fibers. I used almost all of them save maybe 50 or so. So for something of this scope........right around 3000 holes drilled. Don't freak out about it unless you have already built the beast. I added the drilled holes and the extra detail pieces primarily when I built each section, so it was easier to man handle. I can't imagine trying to do all that with it already completely built. In fact, there is no way to do the FO for the bridge unless you can hold each part in your hands separately. The angle is too sharp to snake FO thru the head and neck of the bridge section if it's already attached to the main hull.


Those Lit pictures look great!
How many Portals/Light holes would you estimate? --just curious probably best not to count while doing them- it might seem too daunting.
But well worth the effort considering the fabulous results