Nite Owl

ok elastic does not give much side to side s sewing long strips and a zipper is not going to achieve much. I would suggest using black lycra fabric on either side with a zip. This will be hidden by teh cape. (it has a cape right) and the lycra will give more and allow for larger people.
It took about 3 hours but the point of the posts above just dawned on me.

Just to be clear, this does not come with a cape, gloves, boots, cowl, goggles, or anything else like that. One of the main reasons I only intend to sell this on prop-builder sites like this is because people here have the skills to build props on their own. If someone can't make boots, gloves or a cape on their own well, then... I'm just not in the business to provide a full-service costume, I'm only supplying one part. I'd like to think it's the hardest part; the suit itself. The rest is something that you and your skills can make with considerably more ease than making an entire latex hero-suit.

One thing it will come with are the boot-lace covers but this is a "kit" and how you attach them is up to you.


I also have Nite Owl crescent darts that are 1-piece resin which I'll be selling as well. I haven't really gotten around to posting about it yet because I don't really have any detailed pics outside of the ones you've already seen on this thread. ( See dart clipped to belt in earlier pics. )
No responses? Very well then, here's pics of the Nite Owl darts.


In all cases, it's up to you to come up with your own cowl, boots, gloves, cape, etc.

Here's some more pics of the suit. Over the last 2 months it hasn't been treated kindly ( stuffed into a bag, moved around, left in the sun, etc. ) so it doesn't exactly have that "looks like new" or "was stored properly" appearance. Despite that, I think you can see the details of the suit and envision what a little touch-up will do.





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Thanks guys. I appreciate the feedback.

By RPF rules I can't really post anything about pricing or sales until 9/30 or thereabouts so until then I can't post any prices or answer any PMs inquiring about the same. ( or if I did answer any PMs w/ pricing it would feel like I'm going around the rules and I don't need the grief so I'm playing by them. ) When that time comes I'll gladly post info.

For those of you who wanted to get one of these before this Halloween, this date of 9/30 should still work out assuming you started on the other parts of the costume now. ( or can work really fast! )

The situation suits me fine. At least now I have time to order more latex and pull a fresh suit with no paint on it. Maybe this might make for an interesting pic for those of you interested in an unaltered version?

Thanks again for the comments and encouragement. Silence and negative posts seem to be in abundance on too many other forums.


I used to spend TOO MUCH time on a variety of forums. I went through major burnout. As a result, I don't visit forums too much anymore. ( Maybe monthly if even that. ) If you post here for an answer and don't receive a response in a timely manner, please consider a PM to remind me to check your post. Thanks.
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