psss: Who is "Us"? Is there some secret society that I missed here? :confused
Yes. The first rule of Nerd Club is that you
DO NOT TALK about Nerd Club. We are the secret society of those who walk [and sit] unseen.
We are those who could always "have done it better," although most of us have done very little.
But we will. Any day now. And it will be great. Better than ____. 'Cuz we said so. So don't question our hypothetical perfection while we compare those real-world manifestations to the sheer awesomeness of our pending vaporware.
We are those who always know better.
We are those who do not quail at the thought of refuting the irrefutable, because we " know a guy who knows, and he said that ...___"
We are the self-entitled and we deserve
more and
We are the priviledged few who guard the vaults of useless Cliff Clavenesque trivia with the one shining hope that we will one day impress a real girl with a recital of this data, rather than merely fellow representatives of the nerd herd.
We are the unfatiguable, inexhaustable quibblers... and the convention floors tremble beneath our elephantine footsteps. The snack bars shudder at our approach. We are... Lord Abdomen.
Look upon our grievances and despair!
And we hates you. We hates you forever, with your high falutin ways and your "I've been to Skywalker ranch so many times it bores me," attitude. We despise you with your "I've worked in the industry," tales and your "I know a little something about international production," lectures.
You are rejected from our Secret Society of "Those who know a little but have done even less". We shun your misguided efforts to "enlighten" us and to correct our dearly held and closely guarded misconceptions. Misconceptions that give meaning to the meaningless.
Who do you think you are?
I name thee Prop Nihilist, the same way a naive prop neophyte named you Prop Demigod ten years ago. I cast you out! Fool! Anarchist! Rabble Rouser! Don't come back until you are properly penitent. Stay away until you will acknowledge that we are right in our uneducated and inexperienced omniscence and you are wrong. You must redeem yourself in all of our eyes and we will never permit you to succeed at it. Nor tell you what it is exactly that you must atone for.
We curse you to frustration. We curse you with disappointment. You are not one of us, the Lost Boys of Prop Neverland, we are the Unbelievers.
Begone, Believer!