Red Letter Media: Avatar review

'Visually stunning'. He seems to like godawful animation and videogame camera moves...

As do the majority of the movie going population. I can appreciate Avatar may not be everyones cup of tea and then of course you get the group who dislike it because it's cool to do so, but I think you'd be in the minority if you don't think that the film was visually stunning.
I'm with Karl on this one. It was good, but Avatar wasn't nearly as bad on as many levels as the films in some of his better reviews.

And yeah, I also think he went easy on it, considering I think he spent half an hour on how poorly thought out the story to The Phantom Menace was, yet just went with the easy "Dances With Wolves" joke on Avatar.

So, much like the film he's reviewing, I think this particular review was just "meh."
I LOLed... This guy is like an Avatar himself: a hybrid of Ben Stein & George Carlin :lol

And as was pointed out, he's funnier if you agree with him (of course it's really hard not to!)

I enjoy the schtick on his reviews. Using this character's family references to express disappointing aspects of the films, his disappointing son who at least ended the disappointment when he hanged himself in a gas station bathroom, explaining to Uncle Jorge Lucas how the Federation morons should've used a colorless odorless gas like CO to kill the Jedi so they would have no warning just like his ex-wife didn't.

I'm sorry, but I find the little injected bits very damn funny and great spells of relief during a lengthy multi part reviews. I mean, you could drone on about the stupidity that was Phantom menace forever. But without a break of some sort that's just what it would be...droning.

I liked his Avatar review and likewise got the feeling that he liked the film and was just looking for things to be a curmudgeon about. Sergio...relax. It's just a bit of self published comedy. I burst out in laughter frequently, which is something that almost never happens in today's movies. :lol:lol:lol These are films he's poking a stick at, not religious scripture.

I can just visualize this guy...a cranky red head from Wisconsin, obsessing over his Obi Wan saber replica. He watches Phantom Menace and just S N A P S!