Restrainingbolt's Raiders Map Recast on Ebay?

I just happened to catch this guy's auctions (I totally missed this thread the first time around...DAMN!)
Luckily I check Ebay every so often for unauthorized copies of my maps.

I already Vero'd all of his auctions.

Despite the fact that he's "giving" the map away for "Free", it still falls under Vero's catagory #5 and #7 of infringement

- 5. Uses an image without authorization from the IP owner.

-7. Offers an item which violates the IP Owner's right of publicity.

If he still wants to argue about it ,I can tell him to take it up with my attorney....My attorney just happens to be one of my best friends from Jr. High School and he never charges me for crap like this.

We'll see who ends up drowning in legal fees.

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There are a lot of maps around Ebay. I remember I got long time ago a bad recast of your map, magnoli. That was the time, you were still offering indy props...
I dont know of a Jester in any Garrison but Georgia... but there is a Jaster thats a Sandy from that area... not sure if its the same guy or not. *shrug*
Here's a photo of Jester/TD-6873 (same as Ebay member Jester6873).

Gotta be the same guy (What a schmuck)


Anyone recognize him?

Well, After I sent Ebay a Vero infringement claim they went ahead and removed all 4 of his auctions this morning.............And then he went ahead and relisted 6 new ones! :rolleyes

This time he removed the image of my map from the auction, but yet still offers my map for free.

Regardless of whether he removed the image of my map, the fact still stands that he is offering my artwork in his auction. (Which falls under Vero catagory #3)

Anyhow, I went ahead and Vero'd the 6 new auctions...It'll probably be a few hours before they're removed. If Im not mistaken, the second Vero results in suspension from Ebay. :lol

BTW, here's a link to website which has the archives of all registered artistic properties....Including my map -

Go get him!

On a positive note. That map is just amazing. Every time I look at it I am just floored by the details.
I know this was being discussed on COW too but, now the web site doesn't come up. Any one else having trouble over there?
COW has been down all day. I know there's been some database errors lately, so perhaps they're trying to fix that...

So I had 6 more of Jester's auctions removed...And yet again, within an hour, he had 3 more auctions posted up again.

What an ass.


3 more auctions removed !

None reposted!

He'll probably have more up in the morning...THis is actually kind of fun! LOL!

i thought once he had 6 auctions VERO'ed, he would have his account banned?

I thought so too. Ill contact Ebay tomorrow.


Jester has reposted one more auction -

However, this time he has altered the description of his item....For a third time! :lol

He is no longer offering a "free bonus" of my map.... Now he is offering -

Indiana Jones - How-To Prop Making Instructions

This auction is for a patented and detailed set of instructions and photo diagrams of how to weather and antique a movie prop parchment map.
Included is a supply list and a three page directional with step-by-step instructions and photos for making an authentic antique movie prop map from start to finish along with two 12" x 18" sheets of printed parment paper to create your own actual-size Indiana Jones / Raiders of the Lost Ark-style map.


Im sure my map is still included in the kit.

Im gonna email him.
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Or, maybe he linked to my site, in which case they will have to ask me for the password.

Nope, sorry, I forgot it :angel

Looking at it again, it does say "printed" map.

And when did he get this patented? Can I get the patent number? :lol
along with two 12" x 18" sheets of printed parment paper to create your own actual-size Indiana Jones / Raiders of the Lost Ark-style map.
Sounds like your map to me...

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