AGREED.Wow that was fast. Wasn't too long ago he was still working on the master. Nice.
If there is anyone who was on the interest list and did not get an email with info, please check your spam folder or email me directly.
AGREED.... Mike is TOP NOTCH.I remember getting my first T65 from Mike, i opened her up here in the UK and it was like looking at an injection kit, the casting was unbelievable. I got my second kit from Steve in a deal, as in a few cases the canopy was broke,(hey it happens) i contacted Mike and although up to his neck in the new bird, he still replied and said he would get to my request of a new lid and closed wing blocks asap. Time went by and no luck, then he just mailed me out the blue saying he hadnt forgot, hes just been busy, its just nice to be thought of really and id not even handed any money over. Top man Mike Soon ill get to starting my Red leader.
Cant wait to start seeing the build ups on this new kit, its a stunner.
Kewl. Thanks for the welcome back Lee.Welcome back Kurt, nice to see you back o the boards. I cant wait to see your red leader, ill be perusing it for my own build if thats cool Though i doubt ill get the result youll be getting from Scott lol, but hey i gotta try. Main concerns are the markings on the underside, i have no clue as to what there like at present.
WOW... bummer Jerry... this really surprises me. :confused With all of your talent,... why did you pay someone else to do it?. You have a great talent Jerry... especially in that area. Was it a time factor for ya? This leaves a question burning in my mind.... if a talent, like yours, wants someone else to do a build-up.... who would you go to that would do it better than yourself?I paid a guy $600 to build up and paint my CC X-Wing and had to wait two years for him to deliver it.
It was right before these were announced.