Scratchbuilt Lambda Shuttle

Re: SS Lambda Shuttle

Your making me want to scratch build parts for the shuttle mate, I'm already thinking of re doing the underside of the cockpit, what have you started!!!!!!
Re: SS Lambda Shuttle

Thanks you Neil, Nagzûl and Guy !

Neil, 'pm'ed you back with some infos :)

I finished the second gun base, I had to cast some parts :


Then I cut the disks :


Primed and in place (only for the pics) :




I also built the ramps on each side of the body with the Leo parts on them.
Re: SS Lambda Shuttle

A small update :



I finally got 100% of the top of the neck ID'ed.

I wont work on it for a long time now since Im working on the ISD and on repairing VOS's V1 Shuttle.
Re: SS Lambda Shuttle

Julien, looks brilliant as always !!, I'm lovin those neons too:cool

Re: SS Lambda Shuttle

Many thanks guys,

Unfortunatly there are some flaws in my wing design (no the dorsal wing) so my plexi lasercut parts are off. Its very hard to nail the angle of those wings due to their own angles, the angle of the cam and paralax issue.

BTW Phil your parts have been sent this afternoon. :)
Re: SS Lambda Shuttle

I think it's time to finish her. I dont know why she's not done yet, I just have to get the wing hinges machined.

The plating was quite fun to do :




I've started to ID leading edges, morser karl are parts are missing (Im doing a mold) and I still have a part to find...


Re: SS Lambda Shuttle

OMG, I forgot that you were building this. :lol

I can't wait to see it finished. I've always loved this ship.
Re: SS Lambda Shuttle

Very nice Julien.

I'm glad my upper fuselage and cockpit are still working for you...I thought you'd have remade them by now...:lol
Re: SS Lambda Shuttle

Ummm... Well - if you need it spelled out for you: E-I-G-H-T F-O-O-T S-T-A-R D-E-S-T-R-O-Y-E-R


Hmmmm you're probably right Rob ! :lol

Thanks guys !!

Neil, unfortunatly I had to make a whole new cockpit :( When I put a pic of my shuttle over a pic of the original, my cockpit was way undersized (was missing more than 20 mm in lenght and at least 7-8 mm in width) :


I think I haven't trimmed well the parts you sent me because on pics of the shuttle pics, the cockpit doesnt seem to be as short as mine was.

Well I tried to add some strip of styrene to enlarge it :



The result was good and proportions OK :


Unfortunatly the front was uneven and after all those modifications it was weak and the underside was ugly (and it can be seen :/). I was close to give up.

So I decided to make a new plug and vacform a new cockpit :


Pull done :


Roughly cut :


I'm quite happy with the proportions, unfortunatly I havent nailed the horns areas as good as Neil did. But well nothing is perfect...

Found all the parts of the rear bulkhead, the small barrels between the turrets are missing, I know I still have at least 4 of them (used the other to build the shuttle guns) but once again I don't know where is the sprue... There're are 2 sprues with those parts in the kit, and of course in the box I have only one sprue where all the barrels are missing. :D

Thanks for looking !
Re: SS Lambda Shuttle

Hey Jon, actually they're 6 hinges like the ones I sent you, and 2 others (that are not actually hinges but just a cover curved strip that slides) that, I think, I can make myself !

Thanks for your help Jon !
Re: SS Lambda Shuttle

Hey Juilen,

You're scratchbuilding machine~! You are doing a lot of SS models in the same time.

Please refer to the attached pics, which is different part with your great model.:)

thanks Eric.