Sds e-11

The fact is there are always two sides of the story, and of what and why people do what they do. The judgement has been set and it is what it is until further legal action, if any (has LFL even filed an appeal?) takes place.

As for character, the same sides are saying the same things. I have found out the hard way character is a funny thing to interpret when you don't know someone, and even worse to make accusations when you don't. Either for the good or bad.

For RPF members to attack either other, and definitely claim "guilt by association" is a really sorry thing to do. And for you old timers, remember the T4BB vs Ronins? Remember the fallout, and HUGE mistakes, made with those? How friends were hurt and enemies were created and later found out by so many to be totally mistaken? Wounds are hard to heal.

Before passing "judgement" on someone's character, whether AA or members here, I'm just saying be careful especially when you have no idea who that person might really be or what the circumstances are.
Upon reflection, I wanted to point something out. I think it was a very stand-up thing to do for SSkunky to loan his Sterling out for the purposes of helping the community have an accurate blaster, and I wanted to publicly applaud him for that. (y)thumbsup

All AA differences aside, he (SSkunky) was trying to do good. That shows good character, and I doubt he fully realized the impact of association with AA - otherwise he probably would have kept mum over here! :lol

I know there are some of you out there who have likewise loaned original prop items to artisans for the purpose of casting, only to later find out they have an unsavory reputation. It's always unfortunate when this occurs, and I think we should be sensitive to the "original intent" and give thanks where they are due.
For RPF members to attack either other, and definitely claim "guilt by association" is a really sorry thing to do.

If it was only "association" nobody would probably care there are many members on here that associate with AA... In this case it's "guilt by involvement" sorry but I see it as nothing less... Sskunky you keep saying things like, "I only loaned him the parts", "I'm not getting anything from this", "I'm not involved" but in the next breath you are defending the product, telling people to stop knocking it, telling everyone how you are going to advise AA on how to improve it and make it bettter... Sorry but this is not the actions of a person that simply lent parts to be cast, these are actions of a person who is actively involved in the project and is promoting it, regardless of your lack of gains for the project your actions show more involvment then many on this forum will accept as the innocent bystander...

Even if all intents were and are good (and they probably were) they will forever be overshadowed in negatively because of the involvement of AA...
Upon reflection, I wanted to point something out. I think it was a very stand-up thing to do for SSkunky to loan his Sterling out for the purposes of helping the community have an accurate blaster, and I wanted to publicly applaud him for that. (y)thumbsup

All AA differences aside, he (SSkunky) was trying to do good. That shows good character, and I doubt he fully realized the impact of association with AA - otherwise he probably would have kept mum over here! :lol

I know there are some of you out there who have likewise loaned original prop items to artisans for the purpose of casting, only to later find out they have an unsavory reputation. It's always unfortunate when this occurs, and I think we should be sensitive to the "original intent" and give thanks where they are due.

Same here i said so in my first post.

The fact is there are always two sides of the story, and of what and why people do what they do. The judgement has been set and it is what it is until further legal action, if any (has LFL even filed an appeal?) takes place.

As for character, the same sides are saying the same things. I have found out the hard way character is a funny thing to interpret when you don't know someone, and even worse to make accusations when you don't. Either for the good or bad.

For RPF members to attack either other, and definitely claim "guilt by association" is a really sorry thing to do. And for you old timers, remember the T4BB vs Ronins? Remember the fallout, and HUGE mistakes, made with those? How friends were hurt and enemies were created and later found out by so many to be totally mistaken? Wounds are hard to heal.

Before passing "judgement" on someone's character, whether AA or members here, I'm just saying be careful especially when you have no idea who that person might really be or what the circumstances are.

True enough but the evidence shown in court that AA did not sculpt the stormtrooper helmets and armour and they were infact Liz and Brians work is easily enough to persaude me he is somebody i will never do business with or buy anything from, and what kind of character he has.
Judging by the weird seam lines in that area it appears the SDS is a second generation from a modified casting of a real Sterling. You can also tell this by the multi-piece stock (rear pieces are separate bent strips screwed down). I have no idea why the section under the sight was modified.

Here's a pic of a real Sterling where you can see the receiver is the same diameter the entire length until it steps down in front of the sight.

Compare to the SDS version:

I hope he doesn't include the bogus video he showed in court of how he "sculpted the original Stormtrooper helmet" with power tools on his DVDs.

OOps now I know what a receiver is:lol and I see what you mean.

Thanks Chris.
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