Shepperton Designs 2008 Catalogue

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Sigh. Color me wrong.

Khun there are two sides to every story. The other side is that AA did design the helmets above and beyond the drawings by McQuarrie and was the original sculpture. Do date nobody has been able to prove or show that anyone else created the actual final helmets or even touched them beyond AA. No names, no papers, no pictures, nothing.

AA has claimed all along he had the original helmet molds but had to fix up some damage they had due to the years of storage and earlier use. The armor was never claimed to be original, this skins story is new to me, but that doesn't mean it is or isn't true.

As for the lawsuit, AA did not full challenge the lawsuit in the USA according to advice from his lawyers. He basically let it default in its judgement and so was found guilty. That moved the suit to the UK to determine if or how it should be carried out. AA then countersued under UK law saying that since he created the 3D design that it is his rights and not LFL.

Pictured evidence as well as comments by others who worked on the film have varied. Most do show he was definitely involved in the production of the helmets but some say all he did was pull the pieces and had nothing to do with the sculpting. This is the gist of the court fight.

As for his customers, it's an OPINION by some that he is gouging and lying, there is no proof and in fact his customers that I'm aware of have never had problems with his service or helpfulness. Early helmets were thin and had problems and he corrected that in later ones as well as working with customers who had troubles.

There is also the issue that some members are involved with former members who make helmets and armor and sell them, and were ditzed by AA when they tried to go into business with him, so they love to toot their horns and make their POV seem sacrosanct.

Thankfully it's in the UK courts and one way or another more information will come out either proving or disproving either side of the argument.
I get a kick out of the Rebel helmets.

"Made from the original moulds"! Umm, a US Navy talker helmet is now an original mould?

Also he has poor memory about making them, he did them in white ABS. They were a light grey, and that is an extremely softly detailed and looks to be wrong comm box on the side of the helmet as well. I'd call it a reconstruction at best.

So if he has that wrong, ask yourself, what else did he get wrong?
Wow... I see the dilema! Thank you for the continued input fellas. I don't mean to make old wounds re-emerge, so please, if it is becoming offensive, I will stop. ;) Just let me know. :)

If not, I have more questions...

OK... so who is officially on record as being the lead propmaker for the Stormtrooper helmet and costume for the film? I imagine somebody has to have a name of who got paid to do it. Is that information unknown? From my reading here and on the SDS site, AA is claiming to have been that person? Or is he just stating that he has the original molds?

I agree that there are two sides to every story. However, there is only one truth to the different parts of the story. 1 + 1 always = 2 sort of thing. ;) There must be a solid answer out there somewhere.

Truth be told... regardless of AA's controversial status, I am just happy that someone is able to offer this stuff publicly. I have seen too much shut down or restrained in all of these hobbys because of expensive licensing issues. Quite simply,.. it sucks. The folks (like all of us) who made these franchises strong (like anything Star Wars) by purchasing all the previous poor quality items offerred in it's name deserve better. They deserve the REAL stuff. I can see no real reason to hold it back. Keeping things 'unique' in something as huge as Star Wars is pretty much an illusion. Many folks believe that they have the 'one' piece, but I can almost garuntee that there are others out there that will state the same thing... and be telling truth about it too! At least that is what I have found in the Studio Model area of things. I can't imagine the prop and costume area being much different in that respect. As a matter of fact, I imagine it would be even worse because there is so much of it. It is one of the reasons I haven't really collected the items in this area. The pricetags are endless. As I stated before, you collectors and artists of costume and props are a brave breed indeed. ;) I could go broke in this specific hobby! lolololol.

Well.. now I am babbling... LOLOLOLOL

The answers are out there. I am curious if everyone can come together and set the truth free. ;) And then finally place it to bed. ;) All information helps.

Thank you again for the input! :D
This one is highly unlikely to ever be resolved and put to bed - but it
is always good to have a thread to warm one's digital hands over.
As Yodasan said it's unlikely to ever be resolved. We can hope that the truth will all come out in the court cases currently in the UK, but even then the truth might never be known if the details aren't released.

To answer your question, yes AA is claiming to be the one who created the 3D helmets, etc. based on the drawings brought to him. And no, there has been no other information, names, etc. brought forward as to who another sculptor might be nor any pictures, etc. Not saying they might not be out there, just there has been no solid proof to date released publicly.
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Truth be told... regardless of AA's controversial status, I am just happy that someone is able to offer this stuff publicly. I have seen too much shut down or restrained in all of these hobbys because of expensive licensing issues. Quite simply,.. it sucks. The folks (like all of us) who made these franchises strong (like anything Star Wars) by purchasing all the previous poor quality items offerred in it's name deserve better. They deserve the REAL stuff. I can see no real reason to hold it back.

Dude, stop plugging SDS. He's a recaster, which is a cardinal sin here.
Dude, stop plugging SDS. He's a recaster, which is a cardinal sin here.

I understand and can appreciate that sentiment Jax. I am VERY STRONGLY AGAINST RECASTING! Everyone that knows of me absolutely knows I have and will condem ANYONE that is proven to do so. I have contributed in shutting recasters down.

This is why I would like some concrete proof. Up until now, all I have seen has been conjecture.

So... the major question is... WHO IS HE RECASTING FROM?!!!

Proof please?... Not just conjecture or dissatisfaction.

I have read every word typed here and there are two opinions that have been stated. So which do I believe? If I state the world is made of chocolate, and you know it's not, and that statement to be a lie, then you would and could prove it. I am asking for the proof that will finally place this to bed. I believe, by reading what you are stating, that is what you would like of this as well. So we are on the same page, right?

One more item to be addressed before moving onward to obtain the truth...

I know that you are frustrated with this Jax, but please don't address me again of the 'cardinal sins' in the hobby. I well know the policy's of the boards within these hobbies. And I fully back what they stand for. I do agree with you regarding recasters. However, I would think that before making such a strong statement toward a colleague, that you please have the condeming proof in hand. THAT is what we are BOTH trying to do here. I know you are dissatisfied with AA and SDS. So let's put him to bed with provable truth. ;)
Jumpin Jax... because it is a strong subject for both you and I,...I have made a statement on the RI board regarding this matter...

So now the words have changed to deeper meaning of Shepperton. A member on the RPF has made and out-right cliam that I have asked for proof of. If it turns out that Shepperton is, in fact, RECASTING? Then I will be condeming him FULLY.

I ask ANYONE that can produce proof to please come forward. ;)
Khun the only proof will be whatever comes out of the courts. If AA loses then he'll be shut down, there is no doubt about that, since LFL is asking millions of dollars. If he wins (yes, I know, highly unlikely), then he will be free to do what he wants as the "original sculptor" because no matter what everyone that made a suit after him is the recaster.

Anything said by anyone here or any thread, from either side, is all speculation, assumption, and personal bias because nobody knows the facts of either side of the case or the situations involved but AA and LFL.
LOLOLOLOLOL.... that is a lot of dough! LOLOLOL

Here is a question... how does one country's law enforce a lawsuit victory over someone in a different country?

exoray or one of the others could probably explain it better, but basically there are agreements between nations over copyrights, etc. As I understand it in its most basic sense, because a court in the USA found AA guilty of his violating the LFL copyright they can then petition (and have) the UK court to impose the penalty. However AA is using a UK law that gives the original sculpture of a work precedence over copyright law, even if from the USA. I think that's the main idea behind the countersuit.

Now I do have a question, the UK is part of the EU correct? Does that mean that a decision in the UK for such a law would then apply to the EU? I've never quite understood how far the EU goes regarding the law, sales, etc.
Jumpin Jax... because it is a strong subject for both you and I,...I have made a statement on the RI board regarding this matter...
I ask ANYONE that can produce proof to please come forward. ;)

Trooperexpert already has. Anyone that owns one of his old ROTJ suits can and has publicly, HERE, acknowledged that the SDS legs, most obviously, are identical to their own. Confronted with that, AA's various shills have cited that "Well, it's his to recast."
So they have admitted the recast and don't see a problem with it. You have posted the information here about the current line as a promotion, and that SQUARELY puts the scrutiny of his ever dishonest business on your shoulders. If you truly respected the recast rules, you would not participate.

Abby, just go on citing bias and speculation. If it means nothing at all, why do you keep adding to it?
From day one, AA's claims about molds, and being the original maker added to his boast to making the only accurate replicas ever, have placed the burden of proof on HIM; not me or anyone else.
Put up, AA, or shut up.
He has yet to satisfy a single request for pics of the "original molds." The only molds I've seen from the shop are so obviously NOT original that I have seen nothing to support these claims. I see parts on the wall that are carbon copies of my own ROTJ suit. Considering what a mess they are, it seems a strange choice to duplicate, but hey....
AA will lose in court, that much is clear. But for people to adopt a "wait and see" attitude in order to ignore the basic rules here, that's just Devil's Advocate.
Recasting is a banning offense.
Lying your head off about business matters is fraud.
Claiming mold origins that change with the tide is fraud.
Denouncing another maker then using his work as your own is recasting and sabotage.

Kuhn, I don't need to provide you proof, if for no other reason that you don't care about it. You're plugging a product line, and the more you play peacemaker the more clear that becomes. You're not the first, you won't be the last. I see that you rarely, if ever, post in costumes and props in general, so I'm just gonna go with my gut on this one. Might as well save time and condemn him now, his last promoter does.

Voice, Mverta already recanted the Set for stun accusation and stated he had no exclusive rights to the 3D scan, then pulled his posts and jumped ship at the Prop Den. But not before I saw it :)

The trial is the legal issue, not ours. I don't care about the trial half as much as AA being revealed as a sham in every way on this board. Charging more than everyone else, he's selling a fairy tale and armor no better than average. How could it be? It's a third-gen ROTJ and a helmet from leftover shells--which makes them no more accurate than any other cast-up. His helmets are average, if he had only been satisfied with that it wouldn't have been such an issue. But he had to make suits, and wasn't up to making his own molds. Again, I couldn't have argued with that move. He has as much "right" as anyone here, take that as you will :)But do your own work if you want the credit, it's easy as that.
Keep in mind Trooperexpert, who has his own questionable reputation, and Jax are friends. Also that Trooperexpert has made a substantial sum in the past by selling armor, suits, etc. and also tried to cut a deal with AA to work with him on the sale of his armor. Plus Jax and Trooperexpert are friends. So personal bias is extensively involved there.

And the reason I posted is because people should know the whole story, which means both sides, and not just one biased one.
I have had things come to light over the past year or so that give me serious doubts about all of AA's claims, but I know he did sculpt the helmet. Whether or not original molds still exist is also unclear, BUT my main reason for getting his trooper stuff is that he was the original maker of the stuff in SW and I happen to like the lustre of the ABS he uses. But it's not my only set of trooper armor... ;)
Ah what the hell i'll chuck in 2 pennies worth :lol

All the helmets AA is selling he built for ANH that's not disputed not even by LFL as far as i'm aware.
What is disputed is wether he designed and sculpted the originals,now of course LFL say they own the IP rights but have yet to provide any hard evidence of ownership yet and they obviously will not do so untill they are in front of a judge.
In opposition to LFL AA claims he owns the IP rights because they are his creations and there was no formal contract with LFL so the rights were not transfered to them,and obviously AA is also going to keep any evidence close to his chest untill in front of a judge.

As for the recasting who exactly is he recasting JJ ? TE certainly didn't create any of those helmets infact his are recasts of originals which AA produced.
Nobody else has ever come forward and claimed to have created any of those helmets.
TE certainly didn't create any armour either and LFL are the only ones claiming any rights to it,and i don't see anyone else getting a ripping for copying studio owned pieces.

As for original moulds i'm highly dubious that's true but that is personal conjecture.
As for the recasting who exactly is he recasting JJ ? TE certainly didn't create any of those helmets infact his are recasts of originals which AA produced.
Nobody else has ever come forward and claimed to have created any of those helmets.
TE certainly didn't create any armour either and LFL are the only ones claiming any rights to it,and i don't see anyone else getting a ripping for copying studio owned pieces.

As for original moulds i'm highly dubious that's true but that is personal conjecture.

Great points and views all around Gentlemen! And JJ, I am definitely NOT promoting here as is being thought. How you are reading my posts are not how I am attempting to convey my opinion in the search for the truth.

I will tell you what, since you are telling me you don't nedd or wish to try to prove it, I respect that desicion. But please don't expect me to bow down and simply agree with you on the subject. Any intelligent person would never just accept one persons opinion as truth. Even more than ones opinion. There is only one truth with this. So, this is my conclusion to this matter. Upon the decision of the UK court is how I will act. A decsion in favor of LFL will lead me to not discuss SDS any longer. Until that time, or the time I actually get some condeming proof, I will speak of SDS as if they are innocent. Just as I would any man or business. ;)

I will say this,.. if he is the original sculptor, license or not, he is the creator... not a recaster.

Thank you again fellas for the fantastic input. The search continues. :D
As for the recasting who exactly is he recasting JJ ? TE certainly didn't create any of those helmets infact his are recasts of originals which AA produced.
Nobody else has ever come forward and claimed to have created any of those helmets.
TE certainly didn't create any armour either and LFL are the only ones claiming any rights to it,and i don't see anyone else getting a ripping for copying studio owned pieces.
Granted, but I refer to RPF rules. Copy a studio piece and offer replicas; that's your own domain. TE copied a ROTJ suit and offered it, that's his domain. AA has copied up those ROTJ parts offered by TE and is claiming that it is his, that's the very definition of recasting within this hobby.
Muir sculpted the stormtrooper armor. He stated outright that AA was essentially a worker and formed/painted suits and possibly helmets. That's it.
AA created the story of his involvement, his rights over the pieces, and his ever-growing fantasy field of what he "created" for SW, that's pretty much it.

Kuhn, I can see that you're AA's mouthpiece, so I won't bother expecting you to acknowledge conflicting stories; there's no use. But he created nothing, and has put the replica hobby on the map much more negatively than ever before. It's probably a matter of time before LFL decides to dismantle the hobby in any way they can.

Anyone got a pic of AA sculpting, like.....anything? Making a clay duckie? Carving a boat from a bar of soap? Elephant that lights when you pull the trunk?:lol Thought not.
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