Far be it for me to get in this again, but the subject of the word "proven" continues to pop up.
If this entire thread were taken to court today, and read through by a judge, he would absolutely say that there has been NO proof given on either side of the coin.
I suppose that is why I kept coming back for answers... because there were none given that were truly relevant. Most are personal observation and hear-say, as compelling as they may have been.
I am still holding out in limbo for an true answer either way. Just as the many who don't post still are. As I stated before,
I will not be purchasing from SDS until I know for certain, but I have to agree with Lord Abaddon. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. While it keeps coming up that AA's guilt or innocence has been proven, that just hasn't happened... from either camp.
So... in limbo we continue... to fight amongst ourselves in hopes of convicing each other of what we believe to be true instead of truly keeping the 'open mind' as was brought up in a previous post.
I truly didn't mean for this to be such a hard subject between everyone.
I would like to see this put to bed just as much as everyone who has posted. That said, maybe we are going about this the wrong way? Maybe we should be presenting each sides case as if both "prosecuting" and 'defending' the argued positions. Win the Judge and Jury over... win the case. A "mock" trial so to speak.
If open mindedness for truth is what we seek, then that should be OK for both camps.
Since I have no evidence either way, and I am only searching for the true answer, I will continue just to read and make judgements on that which is presented. Just like everyone who reads this thread will do. It has been compelling reading indeed!
If that can be done... then I wish both sides the best of luck in presenting their case. If not... there is still nothing lost except time from ones life.