Interest Spider-Man: Homecoming Homemade Webshooters Kit

Happy Spider-Man day web heads!!

Revised prints for the trigger section arrived today. Swapped them out with the first versions and things are looking better. I'll have to do some work to tweak the tolerances because they're a little too tight right now and it's causing the trigger to catch when it's pulled. Making it my top priority this weekend to get these parts fixed up and ready for priming - Aiming to ship them off for molding next week

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Looking good! Glad to see that taking time has definitely been a benefit and led to such a beautiful piece of work! Can't wait to see how it continues.
Another update for you all:

Mastering the pieces is going well. I've been tending to some areas that lost some sharpness due to the print supports and getting all the pieces ready for primer + wet sanding.

The trigger piece itself split when I thread a screw through it because the wall was way too thin, so I've had that adjusted and will be reprinted this weekend. Not too much of a problem as all the other parts will be ready to ship off by the time the new trigger arrives. Stay tuned webheads!
Back with another update and some good news after a long week of bad news for Spidey fans...New trigger arrived a few days ago and I got it primed + buffed this weekend. All the parts are mastered for molding and I will be sending them off to TJack this week before I go on vacation!

We had a hiccup with the shipment of the test pieces, but they arrived safely and I've been able to inspect them. It's looking like we may end up going with Smooth-On's Onyx resin for at least most of the parts.

Now that we've got materials determined, we can more accurately gauge how much these kits will cost. We're going to start this run at a limited number, so stay tuned for pricing info and claiming a kit.
With the new year, is there any news on this project?

There are! So sorry about the wait - I was waiting for the end of the year and the holidays to be over to pick this back up again. I'm still searching for the right sized rubber tubing; I'm going to order some more samples this weekend. Once that's set, I will start a new thread to take orders.

Pricing estimation will be around $150