Star Wars Ahsoka (tv series)

What's with the weird "cult" troopers?

Are thy supposed to be zombies or something?

and that "face" helmet was freaky

Also maybe it was just me, but when they were flying to the spot with the night witches it felt like I was watching the landing scene in Prometheus. Like someone thought that was a cool scene and just subbed in Star Wars stuff into it
Its very possible they are zombie Stormtroopers. Marrok being a zombie was likely to show us what the Nightsisters can do.
I'm sorry but Thrawn to me looked like they cast Elon Musk. I can't not unsee that.

Decent episode for the most part. Wasn't feeling the Teenage Mutant Ninja Grasshoppers though. LOL.
He did look like Elon Musk at first. Once he started talking it went away for me. I just saw Thrawn after that.
I enjoyed this episode until I noticed...

Ezra's bright blue eyes with black pupils. I really, really dislike the contacts on Hera, Ahsoka and now Ezra. They look really goofy and takes me out of the story. Thank goodness they didn't give Anakin bright blue contacts and Sabine bright brown contacts.
I agree those troopers are probably all zombies, the red wrappings they all wear are probably night sister magic. Would make sense, don’t see how they would all have food and everything they need to survive for so long.

Also noticing on rewatch that Thrawn’s uniform while clean, has a lot of ripped up edges and spots, really cool history and detail.
Spoilers abound...

Wow, they made "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" canon! Sure didn't expect that but depending how deeply we look into that, could it be the other galaxy is more than just that? Another reality? It's a reach so probably not. Lol

I liked that the ring around Peridea is a giant boneyard...literally.

I will say that after the excitement of all the possibilities of journeying to an entirely new galaxy, I was mildly disappointed they arrived immediately at Peridea and found Thrawn almost right away. And this galaxy has Nightsisters?

So Nightsisters are originally from another galaxy? Was that something we knew before? I don't recall this ever being mentioned?

Thrawn looked better than I thought he would. I liked the bizarre and unexpected Nightsister cult aesthetic they have gone with. I'm still of the old EU school of thought that declared ISDs were too big to navigate an atmosphere but Disney has clearly thrown that out the window and it does make for a cool scene. I thought it was a nice touch that only the small sublight engines of the Chimaera seemed to be functioning.

Enoch was interesting and I literally thought he could be Ezra there for a bit. In the books, Thrawn is killed by his most trusted bodyguard so I'm keeping a close eye on this Enoch guy.

Closed captioning called the new troopers "night troopers" so presumably we're seeing Imperial Remnants with a cultish twist, I suppose out of necessity. Not sure what weird arrangement there is with the Nightsisters but maybe they are indeed undead or have some other supernatural element to them. Thrawn did imply they had lost quite a lot of their number over the years.

Baylan's motivations continue to intrigue me. I feel like his plotline is potentially very significant. As others have said, Palpatine felt a dark presence outside the galaxy and perhaps this is what Baylan is after. His efforts to "end the cycle" could potentially have enormous consequences and may lead us down quite an odd road. I like this character so much and masterfully acted by Ray Stevenson.

The hermit crab folk were cute but I thought Ezra's reveal was underwhelming. He should've been dumbstruck that Sabine somehow found him. She should've been the last person he'd ever expect to see there. How did he get away from Thrawn? I know the crab folk move around a lot but it seems weird that Thrawn hadn't found him in all this time. I also had hoped there would be some twist with Ezra, whether it be he had been tortured/brainwashed to work for Thrawn, or he had simply died by now. Guess that would've been too dark but eh...

Despite not being a particular fan of the cartoons or Filoni in general, what I'm really enjoying about this show is not knowing where the heck we're going with all this. Regardless of whatever flaws it might have, I feel this show has more imagination than anything we saw in the sequel movies. I do enjoy looking forward to what happens next and having no idea what that may be.
how nuts would this be, Thrawn asked a bunch of questions about Ahsoka but one stood out to me, “her master”. Knowing Filoni loves Plo Koon, and Thrawn asked for the sisters magic help again, I wonder if they can somehow bring Plo back from the dead to fight Ahsoka, since Thrawn now needs to fight off two Jedi.
When Thrawn mentioned that, my mind immediately went to Anakin and surprise that he didn't already know that, however I never even considered Plo Koon... Undead Plo Koon could be pretty creepy!
Spoilers abound...

Wow, they made "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" canon! Sure didn't expect that but depending how deeply we look into that, could it be the other galaxy is more than just that? Another reality? It's a reach so probably not. Lol

I liked that the ring around Peridea is a giant boneyard...literally.

I will say that after the excitement of all the possibilities of journeying to an entirely new galaxy, I was mildly disappointed they arrived immediately at Peridea and found Thrawn almost right away. And this galaxy has Nightsisters?

So Nightsisters are originally from another galaxy? Was that something we knew before? I don't recall this ever being mentioned?

Thrawn looked better than I thought he would. I liked the bizarre and unexpected Nightsister cult aesthetic they have gone with. I'm still of the old EU school of thought that declared ISDs were too big to navigate an atmosphere but Disney has clearly thrown that out the window and it does make for a cool scene. I thought it was a nice touch that only the small sublight engines of the Chimaera seemed to be functioning.

Enoch was interesting and I literally thought he could be Ezra there for a bit. In the books, Thrawn is killed by his most trusted bodyguard so I'm keeping a close eye on this Enoch guy.

Closed captioning called the new troopers "night troopers" so presumably we're seeing Imperial Remnants with a cultish twist, I suppose out of necessity. Not sure what weird arrangement there is with the Nightsisters but maybe they are indeed undead or have some other supernatural element to them. Thrawn did imply they had lost quite a lot of their number over the years.

Baylan's motivations continue to intrigue me. I feel like his plotline is potentially very significant. As others have said, Palpatine felt a dark presence outside the galaxy and perhaps this is what Baylan is after. His efforts to "end the cycle" could potentially have enormous consequences and may lead us down quite an odd road. I like this character so much and masterfully acted by Ray Stevenson.

The hermit crab folk were cute but I thought Ezra's reveal was underwhelming. He should've been dumbstruck that Sabine somehow found him. She should've been the last person he'd ever expect to see there. How did he get away from Thrawn? I know the crab folk move around a lot but it seems weird that Thrawn hadn't found him in all this time. I also had hoped there would be some twist with Ezra, whether it be he had been tortured/brainwashed to work for Thrawn, or he had simply died by now. Guess that would've been too dark but eh...

Despite not being a particular fan of the cartoons or Filoni in general, what I'm really enjoying about this show is not knowing where the heck we're going with all this. Regardless of whatever flaws it might have, I feel this show has more imagination than anything we saw in the sequel movies. I do enjoy looking forward to what happens next and having no idea what that may be.
She said Peridea was the ancient home of the Nightsisters and that they harnessed the space whales for travel before time was counted. But I wasn’t clear which way they traveled. Like if the Nightsisters originated from there or traveled there.
So is this going to be the star wars version of infinity wars? Team Mando hooks up with Team Ahsoka while Team Boba runs around doing god knows what and they all come together for a 2 part movie fighting Prawn? Place your bets
I haven't seen the episode yet but I strongly hope they left the whale the same way they entered it (not through the "other" / "emergency" exit). :D
The scene from next episode already leaked.

Huh, I really liked this one!

TEENY TINY nits that don't amount to anything (and some laurels, too):

The window in her planet cell was pretty big, I'm surprised she didn't climb into it just to see if there was an escape route. Probably not, but one must find out.

Someone on FB was saying it was the "wrong" type of star destroyer, which I don't agree with, because, given the angle of the shield generators on the tower, it is consistent with ANH-era SDs, which is what he would have, correct?

Thrawn is not one who would want his troops chanting his name, but perhaps they've developed a cult devotion all on their own, and it's better for morale to allow it.

The troopers fixing cracks in their armor with gold is akin to the Japanese tradition of Wabi Sabi kintsugi. Thought that was cool.

I would think Sabine, if she's ever been around any animals at all (and she did have a cat), would've introduced herself to the dog thing by letting it sniff her hand or something before just climbing on the first time. Also, the trooper is apparently its trainer, and I would've added some line of him warning Sabine not to let it come to harm. I did like she and the beast bonded, but I'm a sucker for animals.

There is no way Sabine, or anyone in that situation meeting Ezra, wouldn't say, affectionately, something like "look at you, with that beard!"

(mind you, the very concepts of witches and space whales are not things I ever would want in SW, but that ship has sailed)
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Thrawn looks like ****, sorry. No graceful appearance. Just a guy thrown in a costume during his work-free weekend. And the make-up is so weird, he looks like the cousin from Next Generation's Data.
The actor playing Thrawn is Lars Mikkelsen — the same actor that played him (voice only) in Star Wars Rebels.
He is an experienced and distinguished actor, especially in his home country of Denmark. He was an actor before his younger (now more famous) brother Mads.
The right age and height too, I think, but not as slim as he used to be and he doesn't really look like previous paintings and in Rebels.

I don't think I would have objected to if he had worn facial appliances to give him more distinctive facial features though.

The troopers fixing cracks in their armor with gold is akin to the Japanese tradition of Wabi Sabi. Thought that was cool.
The craft is called kintsugi. The philosophy behind it: embracing the imperfect is "wabi sabi".
Darth Lars Everything's okay with Mikkseln, I don't blame him. I just wanted to imply that he is wasted in the way they let him interact and look in this episode/show. I even was excited when they announced him as Thrawn. But the result is a lack of quality, in my opinion. Design wise.

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