Studio Scale Base Star

Just wanted to bump this back off page 3.

Hope your move is going smoothly.

Keep us posted on when you get back to this awesome kit. :love
I'm trying to get the patterns done but the house didn't sell and I can't buy the new one as hoped because of the failed sale. I'm going to be a statistic of the home loan collapse I'm sorry to say.

This kit will see the light of day. I have put too much work into it. I have a place for a while, while the systems runs its course. I'm just hoping for a miricle during this period of transition.

This problem is effecting everything I do. Nothing is getting done and I'm just numb about things. Every day is spent searching out options and meeting with people to discuss options.
I want to thank my friends and well wishers for there supportand patience with me. You all made it easier to keep trying. Those who know me know I'm a fighter. I don't give up easy and I go down fighting so I'm still trying but it doesn't look good.


You're a good man! (y)thumbsup

As King Leonidas stated... "No Retreat, No Surrender!"

The system may be failing, but you will remain standing in the end. ;)

The kit can wait until you are able. Fight the good fight my friend! :D
I agree Lee, leave Gary alone. His collection is his and he owes no one anything. I personally would like to see him do the George Lucas thing and tour them. I think he could make some money and make a lot of BSG fans happy seeing it's the 30th anniversary BUT, and I say BUT, that is HIS collection and HIS decision to make and no one should ride him to show them or supply pictures. He knows what we all would like, trust me. He has been asked enough times. Just be happy that these models are safe, and have been restored and are still around. Some were almost destroyed and some were in such bad shape before Gary was able to obtain them. It took a lot of time and money and there for I respect his request so let him have his privacy.

I'm just happy to know that the models are in good hands and are being lovingly cared for!

Its odd... I think the Galactica models will probably survive longer and in better shape than the Star Wars models!

It really is nice to know the "fleet" (and other Universal ships) are still being stewarded and not just getting dumpstered like so many others. I know, he owns them hisself... I say "stewarded" because we all know that you can't take it with you, so they'll eventually go to a new steward who manages them on behalf of all of us who love them from afar. :rolleyes

Awesome news. :thumbsup Keep us posted!

I can't wait until this baby is available. Please let us know
when your taking any kind of pre-orders or downpayments.

I am working on a half sclae (3 footer) Galactica to display
with your base star.........
"Mycroft Holmes has been banned for alerting studio legal about a project of another member. There was related trolling-related activity that might have led to infraction points, but this trumps everything. The RPF does not tolerate members attempting to bring "real world" actions against another member, this least of all."
That Mark, who was a great help to many here was banned under highly dubious circimstances is a sad thing indeed.

As a co-owner of a site and board myself, I've wandered into the wrong side of reason myself but my fellow mods and I have always managed to talk about and be fair to our members IMO.

I'd like to see Mark reinstated, but if that doesn't happen, I wish him and his fellow modellers great success at their new home.
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