Super7 is going to make the unproduced 1979 ALIEN action figures!

I would be interested in a set of stands and a booklet as well. I love the retro look of the figures and can't wait to grab a set.
While I don't have any actual figures to giveaway, thanks to the guys at Super7 I will have some of the Reaction figure stands and retro booklets available as freebies shortly if anyone is interested.

Ummm - Heck yeah for me. Super7 was the first place I hit at comic con - got my early bird and my protos.
I just had a look at the S7 site, it says out of stock. Does that mean the pre orders were all of the stock or are they still to release some? Any ideas? I'd love these.
I still have my 18' big chap. He's been repainted and modded a few times and put on a base, but I still have him. Sadly, the dome was lost many many years ago.
Ah damn, I first though I could live without these (I'm almost 47 after all)... then I saw them on evilbay and immediately took a trip down memory lane...


OK, just ordered a full set...


Damn (again)

NECA work in progress A L I E N EVA suit... Not bad at all for a start...


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