Terminator Summer Glau Bust

If this was full size I would shell out many green backs to have it.
It is the best I have ever seen!

I'll second that!

Now with the hair its really taken to like. I've been enjoying this build so much and its always been something I've wanted to build.

Man Flu? whats that?? LOL

I've got that same flu and its a ***** to kick, but you can get a lot done in the afternoons after the 5th day. But mornings and evenings are cloggy sucky messes.

The endo pieces really really look great. Were they printed or from another model??
Thanks again guys!

BATS: Glad you like the build and hope you got over your flu ok, theres so many bugs and illnesses here in the uk at the moment, must be something to do with the constant rain!!!
The Endo bits are part Lazer cut, pen top, scratch built and part kit bashed.

Here's another in progress pic of the base, almost there now.



Hi, mutronics! Congratulations on an awesome build... I just found this, today, and I am happy I did, for two reasons: I love it! :love I was hoping you might have a casting up for grabs. My brother's birthday is coming up, and he loves the Terminator series. If you are willing to part with one, I could do all the painting and assembly... don't even need the base. Any chance of it? :confused
Thanks guys! I am making this as a kit Cadeus, just not sure how long it'll take to get finished. I'll post details when its ready though.
Right! I finished all the moulds for this today. They all seem to have turned out great, so i started casting.

Here’s where the problems start.

After about 4 hours of casting and really happy with how they were turning out, i had a closer look at them under better light. I would say about 90% of what I casted is leaching out. GRRRRRRRRRRR!

I've only ever had this happen once before! And think that was down to not mixing the two resin parts properly, so now make sure they are mixed extremely well and had not had a problem again until now.

Has anybody else had problems with this happening, and if so how did you solve it?

The room I’m working in is extremely damp and cold, (I can barely feel my toes or fingers whilst typing this) I do have a heater but its not really taking the edge off. I also powder the molds with talc before pouring the resin. The powder has been in the damp room and left open for a while. Could this have gotten damp then be making the molds damp when used in them? Or is it just the damp cold atmosphere? It has been raining in the uk for practically a year now!

I’ve moved all the molds and resin to a warmer dryer room and will try casting again tomorrow. If anyone has any words of wisdom though I would love to hear them, this has been so frustrating/depressing!


British weather definitely makes a difference it needs to be around room temperature 21 degrees and the powder definately needs to be dry you sound like you have worked out the issues yourself :) yes its happened to me and its soul destroying when it does happen, blistering is also a pain thats usually down to needing to add some mixing powder to the resin.
Thanks Rob! I'll get some fresh talc tomorrow and try it all again in the warmer less dank room. If that doesn't do it i'll try the mixing powder.
All sorted guys!! The resin is now working right!

I heated the moulds, the resin, the room I was working in, got plastic mixing sticks, used them like crazy... and it all worked. Almost a little too well, it really threw me how fast the resin went off!

I think it was just the damp in the room and how cold it was. Lesson learnt!

So, I've just gotten the last pieces out of the mold, quickly sanded the excess off and slapped some primer on.

I still need to tinker with the way she hangs and a few other things but basically she's finished. It took a bit longer than I thought it would but has been a fun one to do and I’ve learnt masses in the process.

Thanks for all your kind words whilst I made her.






And a moody pic.

Pete, that looks amazing! The only thing I might change is how low she is as it looks like she is standing on the 'spine' rather than hanging. Fabulous work.
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