TESB Despatch pod!

Tim, do you want to trade for the little green deelies? I have a bunch. I just want to make a pod, and would love to get the necessary ref. Who knows, maybe I have ref that could help you?
Ill manage Moe :), always do, im sure my pod will look just fine once completed...as thats my plan, i actually will complete it, not sit on it for many years waiting for suckers to ID it for me!

I hear you on the Ion Cannon, Andre (el loco) built a killer one not so long back, and i have to admit, its something id like to take on...and before anybody want to post pics of a half built one, with maybe a few cropped distorted archive photos...please dont, ill do just fine without your "help" :lol

What gives, Tim? Am I not cool enough to even get a response from you?

Tell you what... Lee, I'll send you these green parts I have. You deserve them because you have the decency to actually talk to people in this hobby, and you actually finish something you build!

Congrats on NAILING this iconic and mysterious ESB prop. You'll be legendary when this is done!!
LOL, Jason thank you, thats a very kind gesture, and a very welcome one, cant even find them in the UK :lol

Dont know about legendary though, i seem to be a thorn in the side of many due to actually dreaming of sharing parts and info LOL, "must learn to be a spiteful brat"....gotta repeat that ten times a day till its doctrine!

Right, im off to play with my ATST for a bit......why? 'cos i have one :lol

Speaking as someone new to SS modeling, I greatly appreciate the talent that is displayed on this board and the willingness to share information to those less skilled. I certainly don't want to be handheld through a build, but a point in the right direction is always helpful. Also, If I can contribute any information, I certainly will.

Besides, my wife looks at me funny when I show her a Morser Karl parts tree and where those parts show up on Studio Scale models. :lol

Nice find Rolando, thanks buddy, this is really now taking full form, though ill still skimp on a couple of parts lol.

David, thats what these places are for buddy, TBH id share whatever i find...regardless of what its cost me in time or money to find, reason for this, i dont percieve part info to be a "power"...its a helping hand...and if my peers wont share anything...then let them sit on there hoards alone i say, as they are no longer my peers..but IMO, beneath me!

What these guys cant get a grasp on, is the fact non sharing, breeds paranoia, and leads to more non sharing...its a vicious circle...and one that wont be broken sadly, but i have had the priviledge of working on some awesome projects, and found many,many donors...and that knowledge...is knowledge that i will share...whats the point in taking something amazing...and locking it in a box for nobody to see?

Hey Lee,
what a great attitude !
I agree, no, i double-agree !!

I'm worried when i see how some guys here guard there Infos and Pics :angry
I don't think that this is the basic idea of a forum like this.

It's so cool to see you build this hidden beauty. You know i'm a big ESB Fan like you.
Like the Ion canon, the appearance of the Probe Droid Pods is so short, but so impressive :love

So people, help Lee as much as you can with parts, pics and infos !

What these guys cant get a grasp on, is the fact non sharing, breeds paranoia, and leads to more non sharing...its a vicious circle...and one that wont be broken sadly, but i have had the priviledge of working on some awesome projects, and found many,many donors...and that knowledge...is knowledge that i will share...whats the point in taking something amazing...and locking it in a box for nobody to see?


Lee....we have to get you involved in Vader and Trooper costume forums! That's a refreshing attitude that I don't see too much of in the costume prop world!

Nice builds BTW, guys!
Ill manage Moe :), always do, im sure my pod will look just fine once completed...as thats my plan, i actually will complete it, not sit on it for many years waiting for suckers to ID it for me!

I hear you on the Ion Cannon, Andre (el loco) built a killer one not so long back, and i have to admit, its something id like to take on...and before anybody want to post pics of a half built one, with maybe a few cropped distorted archive photos...please dont, ill do just fine without your "help" :lol


Yes I've seen it, it looked great.

OK, I wont then post pictures of my progress if I start working on one ;-)
LOL Moe.....nice one buddy :lol TBH by all means, id love to see what you do with it, its always a good occasion when you post another one of your builds!
From the size of the pods, id say the Cannon is what? maybe 12" in diameter.....i keep looking at it alongside Lucas in the archive pic, its pretty big when next to an ROTJ ATST....nice little prop indeed!

Ok, well here's my progress so far, i winged it on the track links on the front of the hulls, and used Panther tracks, they will do for me as i dont fancy buying Tiger's i wont really use!

Here you can see ive fitted the Sd Kfz 223 hulls and the front/rear bulkheads...also the 8rad rear engine clusters are taped on.

The main thruster is built from 3 Brabham BT44b rear rims, i did trim these at the base to get the length more in line with the pic i have of the prop!

Itll never be fully accurate, i never set out for to be, but i reckon itll look nice alongside my Probe Droid that im lucky enough to own!

All in all so far...this is a tricky little thing to fit together nicely lol, quite a challenge...but fun, thats what were here for right???? FUN!

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Cheers Allan, i managed to get a couple of tiny glue marks lol, i know, im damn anal lol...but its gone together pretty well bud!

Lee, wow great job. You have inspired me to tackle this sucker as well. I broke out the spare 8 Rad hulls I have.
Cheers Dave, but nah, real world scale doesnt float my boat lol, that said, id somebody were to build one of these, post impact, all broken up, with an in scale probe droid on a dio...well that may well look very pretty!

Freakin' AWESOME!

I don't have a BT44b so I'll probably scratchbuild the engine bells, but you have really motivated me to get as many of the parts together as I can and give this build a go. Waiting on some 223s to come through, then I'll really get at it.

Do Plastruct domes or dishes go over the turret openings? I can't quite tell from photos.

Thanks for the inspiration, Lee.

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