The Lord of the Rings Helm of King Theoden


Sr Member
Hey everybody!

Last March I sat down and started my build of my favorite helmet from the trilogy. I knew it was going to be a long, complicated build so I used it as a background project that would be worked on when I was waiting for glue or paint to dry.

Here's the short story:

I started with a Pepakura base helmet, slushing the master with Smooth-Cast 300.

The crest was hand carved from a piece of 3/4" MDF.

Raised bands where made with Bondo and the edging was styrene half-round.

The cheek guards and all the plates attached to this thing were 3D printed via Shapeways.

A bunch of molds later and everything was cold-cast in brass.

Inset areas were painted with plain ol' Testors model paint.

I got my friend Fevereon to produce the leather armor for the back.

Finally finished!

Some details

I cast my copy pretty thick so it BARELY fits on my head. Since it's going to be sitting on a helmet stand, I'm not going to worry about it.

You can see a ton more detail of the build on my blog HERE.

Thanks for looking!


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Followed this on your blog and you did a truly wonderful job capturing all the details! Look forward to more LOTR builds from you in the future!
It's been so much fun following your blog during the helmet's development. Thanks for going to the trouble to log your process. Always informative!
The costumes of LOTR are absolutely beautiful and you did a magnificent job on this helmet. Looks like it belongs in front of a camera.
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