That is soooo wesome! Enjoy your travels, we look forward to more updates in May.
I have to say, you remind me of my dad. He is a jack of all trades. When I was a kid, he was able to build/make just about anything I saw on tv or a movie. Excellent work as always. And thank you for sharing. I think everyone is amazed by you and secretly hates you as well! j/k Can't wait to see more!
This is a fantastic looking build.
Watching with interest, admiration and just a bit of jealousy.
This is amazing. The planning and detail you have put into this project is really paying off. It already looks fantastic and I can't wait to see it all come together.
When those tubs are cleaned out... I see a gonk droid in the making?
:lol Don't you HAVE to be medicated to start a project like this?!
in the mean time, enjoy my junklove:love
:lol Don't you HAVE to be medicated to start a project like this?!
Actually I think it's an indication he's gone OFF the meds! :lol
Loving every bit of this! And somehow I knew you had a Gonk in the works...
Uuhhhhh...... thanks :behave
J/K - that just really proves how long you've been anticipating this project. Well done!
Less talk... more work!![]()
that's some awesomely intense detail work
Hey B,
Just thought of something for your media room... What about a HUGE window similar to the throne room or the MF cockpit?![]()
It only took me nearly an hour to read through this entire thread. I can't wait to see you put all those boxes of parts into this 'little' project. Keep up the good work man.