Johnny Fever
Well-Known Member
Hey snowshoe, very good looking phaser you have there!!
Is that just mylar tape on the sides or what?
Hob-bits? As in Bilbo?
Bring on the pix, Mike!
And that's a great Playmates mod! It really does look different. Did you grind down the front of the grip to remove that "hump" that it has? Looks amazing!
- k
Thank you for the complements. I had read somewhere that the strip was made from some sort of prism pinstripe that I was never able to find locally. I did however find at BigLots of all places a folder with this material. I used an X-acto knife to cut quarter inch strips then applied them to the phaser with white glue. I then used regular automotive pinstripe that was painted the same color as the phaser to hold down the edges. The trigger was made with a piece of an old large X-acto handle. The crystal on the rear of the phaser was made from a brass peephole. The handle was built up with bondo to achieve a more oval shape. The paint was a Plastikote color that Cyland had suggested in one of his threads. The display on top was made by printing a reverse image onto a transparency. This was clear coated and the white areas were hand painted from behind with testors. It was then sprayed with copper color paint on the reverse side and affixed to a piece of styrene. The sequencing chip for the LEDs was from an old toy that was wired to a micro switch mounted behind the trigger. Again I know its not completely accurate but I don’t think it turned out that bad.
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