Year One Green Arrow


First off let me say that I really do like the WB's version of The Green Arrow, but since every Arrow I see lately seems to be sporting both good or a bad version I thought it would be nice to do something a little different so like the tittle says I'm looking into the "Year One" version. So the obvious question is has anyone here done one, and if so do you have any advice or forum threads .

I'm looking to do somthing like this.

here is another option..
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Its been a while since I've read it, but I'm pretty sure it elvolves a bit over the first few issues on the island. Did you have a specific evolution you are aiming for? Also did you plan to do the homemade bow or the traditional bow he has later in the story?

Either way, some cargo pants and a sleeveless shirt would be a good start for you to then decide what to do with the hood. Then he has the boots that he takes off of the mercenary which look like your typical black army boots.
Well I'm fairly sure of what I should get together for this costume, but I was wondering if anyone knows of someone and/or some pics of anybody's "Year One" costume, for vissual references.
Well I'm fairly sure of what I should get together for this costume, but I was wondering if anyone knows of someone and/or some pics of anybody's "Year One" costume, for vissual references.

There's a few on Google if you search "Green Arrow Year One Cosplay" but it looks like it's a fairly rare costume
Yeah that's a blessing and a curse I guess, I definitely think it would be a good idea to play up some of the more obvious green arrow elements, maybe do a little bit of a hybrid Year One/Arrow look. The scenes from Arrow when Oliver has the green hood mixed with regular clothes is a good example.
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