Averaged Symmetrical Trooper Helmet


Well-Known Member
i know this may not appeal to the purists out there..lol but this is my true symmetrical trooper helmet(s). or TK-AS (stunt) and TD-AS (sandy) for short. was a collaboration of artists, Patrick van Rooijen, George Evangelista and Gaurav Kumar to get this helmet exactly where i wanted it to be. as you can see they all did an outstanding job and accomplished what i wanted to do. also want to thank my friend Carsten for input. he was a big help in achieving this as well to give this helmet that look and "feel" of the original ST helmets. we went to extreme lengths and processes of combining both sides of an original ST helmet to the point where it is was symmetrical. and matching every detail and aspects of the helmet to create a stylized, accurate averaged symmetrical ST helmet.
you might be wondering how we did this. we combined both sides to make a truly accurate symmetrical helmet. instead of mirrored symmetry we averaged both sides to achieve the symmetry. the end result is what you see here. hope you guys like it :)

ANH_Stunt_1.jpg ANH_Stunt_2.jpg helmet_KS1.59.jpg helmet_KS1.60 (1).jpg helmet_KS1.61.jpg StormTrooper_2.jpg StormTrooper_1.jpg helmet_KS1.58.jpg helmet_KS1.56.jpg helmet_KS1.57.jpg

helmet_KS1.60 (1).jpg









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While I'm a fan of all the wonkiness SW assemetry has to offer, your model looks great. You've taken the better elements and squared everything up. MOST attempts at modeling SW buckets this way look out of place, but I'm digging your view there!

wow thank you so much. i really appreciate it. and as am i, the OT helmets are nostalgic and iconic and i love them for the wonkiness. but i've always thought that, with modern times and SW being an advanced technological universe, that them being a-symmetrical wouldn't have been applied,. i feel they would have been symmetrical.. and actually we didn't pick and choose the best elements. we took every element of both sides the OT helmet and blended them all together together to achieve the looks you see here. im really glad that someone who loves the OT asymmetrical helmets can appreciate and like what we have done here. :)
I like it already! I always have a hard time dealing with a asymmetrical things. Idk, it just bothers me. Your helmet looks great! Will you be printing it?
I think they're beautiful. nice touch tweaking the "sandy" rubber gasket up a bit. Yeah, really good job, nice clean design. Well done!
I love the OT trooper helmets. Hate the new R1 helmets...

This has been done many times by fans and by companies like MR and eFX... But this is the first time that it actually works for me!

You really kept some of the best of both sides!

I wish the R1 designers could have seen this!

Great job. Really interested in seeing one in plastic!
Remind me why you guys haven't been in charge of doing the Rogue One helmet? Because while untrue to the original, you can still totally feel the lineage with it and it works very well.

I still can't believe the Master Replica looking garbage they're pulling for R1. Especially when I see what fans like you are achieving.
I will not compare this to the R1 unless i´ve seen it in "real", to often renders looked great and the final real item was not satisfying.

But nonetheless, i think it will be nice - and it can´t be as bad as the originals.
thanks alot guys, really appreciate it,

and Lichtbringer, this will be digitally printed professionally on high end professional machines, which will stay true to the digital sculpt that is in the file. . so what you see here will be what the actual print will be. once i have it printed ill post images. :)
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Very nice and clean model :thumbsup

Already been stated but worth repeating: fantastic blend, best of both worlds. I myself also tend to prefer symmetrical things. At least when to comes to unnatural things like helmets and such "man-made objects".