New Abrams Trek Tunic


I just threw this together, I think it's a little closer than the previous version.


I drew it oversized so that the dimensions could be played with, but everyone use freely! :)


I thinkt the insignias are lined up diagonal...

This thread really took off ! wow guys. Also, we are looking to having the pattern dye sublimated into the fabric overseas.
Also it doesn't have to be an off the shelf design at all... maybe just "inspired by". These guys had enough budget to make their own costumes after all. :lol

That said, these do look promising! :thumbsup


Wow... that detailing is strikingly similar to the pants design from Starship Troopers!
after seeing this pic


I think this is more accurate:


btw: why are there 2 threads for those shirts?
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I'm quite sure the screen used pants ARE alpinestars, I think I have ID'ed the model, but it'hard to find a pic or a source for it... Let me see... ;)
after seeing this pic


I think this is more accurate:


btw: why are there 2 threads for those shirts?

Because, these threads keep skewing off into other parts of the costume like pants and boots! :lol

I think you've got the chevron arrangement nailed! I know looking at the big pic of Quinto, I was really getting a headache trying to figure out exactly how they lined up- trying to allow for the fabric being stretched in some shots and camera angles was really messing with me! :confused

Great job!

In that last screen cap it almost appears as if there are random shadows to suggest some but not all the chevrons are floating above the surface of the fabric.
As per the pants, it looks to me like a added pleat of fabric so the knee wouldn't get tight when they bent their legs. pretty sure they could still do that with denim.
Now I think this pattern is very close !!


Is it just me, or does there seem to be another layer of a pattern besides the emblem? It almost looks like there is a top layer of gold, then a second layer of a slightly muted color under that, then the fabric color. It's almost as if they took the original pattern, printed it a tad darker, then shifted it a bit, then printed another layer over that in a slightly lighter shade, like there are 3 visible colors, almost like fish scales... I don't know, it could just be the resolution from the pic being resized and printed several times that produced that effect for this particular pic seen above. :confused
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