So, when my friend Alice, who has never even held a gun before, much less fired one, shot my friend Rick's television after he handed her a loaded gun - without telling her it was loaded... she's 100% responsible, because she should have known how to unload a gun she's never handled before, and Rick is completely off the hook, because even though he gave her a loaded gun, it was her responsibility to clear it, whether she knows how to or not? Am I reading that right?
It is YOUR responsibility as a responsible gun owner NOT to give people loaded guns. Just as it was the armorer's responsibility, and the AD's responsibility, to NOT give AB a loaded gun.
I agree this accident could have been avoided if AB had cleared the gun himself. But he shouldn't have had to. This was a movie set, not a shooting range. There shouldn't have been a single live bullet anywhere near that set.
Heyyyy man,
So, like, my friend who has never, ever held a gun before was handed a loaded gun and shot a tv with it.
Wow! It was TOTALLLY like this whole Alec Baldwin thing, man.
Like EXACTLY the same.
***VOICE OF SANITY: So, was Alice contractually obligated to take a gun safety course before even TOUCHING a gun, like Mr. Baldwin?
Well, um, nooooo. But you don't see how it was, like, EXACTLY the same.
***VOICE OF SANITY: DId she point it at a human being and kill them?
Hooo, no, but I can see what you're getting at, and YOU just don't understand my PERFECT COMPARISON!!!
***VOICE OF SANITY: Alice had never used a firearm before, Mr. Baldwin has done several movies and knew the rules and the etiquette. Heck! He even placed SHIELDS around the EQUIPMENT to protect it.
Hey person, I'm gonna IGNORE you, because YOU don't wanna listen!
***VOICE OF SANITY: You *DO* realize that BASIC GUN SAFETY, which Mr. Baldwin HAD to have been taught or would not even be holding a gun on the set, required that he know to CHECK his gun before accepting it, AND *NOT* to POINT it at anyone.
(EDIT HANDS OVER EARS) La la la!!! You just HATE Alec Baldwin!