Bandai release schedule

Totally agree!
They could be holding back just to have fill a dry spell between new toolings

For the past 2 or 3 years, I've been waiting for them to. I've been tempted a few times to order OT 3d printed conversion parts. It would probably look pretty good, but it won't look AS GOOD as a Bandai part. So I keep hoping they'll do one between sequel movies and they don't.
Since things are slow, here are the results of this year's photo contest (click the button for English):


Since things are slow, here are the results of this year's photo contest (click the button for English):

Hey, that's my AT-AT.
Bandai 1:144 scale AT-AT

I'm not sure if I've won anything, but I'm grateful that my work was selected by the ILM judges. I consider myself fortunate given the skill and imagination of some of the other entries. Thanks for the link, edge10.
From what I understand, the Falcon's dish will be a triangular shape.

Circular makes sense. Rectangular makes sense (if your going for the phased array look). But, triangular is just trying to be different for difference sake. ;-)
Circular makes sense. Rectangular makes sense (if your going for the phased array look). But, triangular is just trying to be different for difference sake. ;-)
I thought the whole triangular dish was a joke. At least I hope it is!
Hey, that's my AT-AT.
Bandai 1:144 scale AT-AT

I'm not sure if I've won anything, but I'm grateful that my work was selected by the ILM judges. I consider myself fortunate given the skill and imagination of some of the other entries. Thanks for the link, edge10.

That's awesome man! How do you even find out about challenges like this? Do they publish it anywhere? I've never heard of it before now.

I thought the whole triangular dish was a joke. At least I hope it is!

Apparently it's true. But as with most things Star Wars, if the movie is good people will either like the triangular dish or not care. If the movie sucks, the triangular dish will become the biggest offense in the history of cinema and people will spend the next 20 years complaining about it. :lol:
Apparently it's true. But as with most things Star Wars, if the movie is good people will either like the triangular dish or not care. If the movie sucks, the triangular dish will become the biggest offense in the history of cinema and people will spend the next 20 years complaining about it. :lol:
So true!
Okay, cats & dogs, it's official. Next movie: The Rise of Skywalker. Looks like we'll probably get a new Kylo Ren fighter similar, but not the same, as the Tie Silencer. Looks like a Y-Wing too. Trailer just landed.

EDIT: My mistake. A-Wing -- but not the same as in TLJ. And... the Falcon has a ROUND dish. Round. Repeat. Round.
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I do like the new Tie Interceptor more than I liked the Kylo Ren tie.

Hopefully Bandai does a 1/72 kit of it and doesn't leave us out to dry sticking us with a non-scale Revell sound and play version while they release a 1/12 version of the megaphone droid and a repopped BB-8
I do like the new Tie Interceptor more than I liked the Kylo Ren tie.

Hopefully Bandai does a 1/72 kit of it and doesn't leave us out to dry sticking us with a non-scale Revell sound and play version while they release a 1/12 version of the megaphone droid and a repopped BB-8

I think it's a safe bet that Bandai will do a 1/72 and Revell will do their usual 'shut up and buy it' scale. If the new droid is popular (and it's not doing a lot for me so far), I can see Bandai doing a 1/2 scale to go alongside their larger BB-8, but a 1/12 version would be pretty small. I wouldn't mind a 1/72 Resistance A-wing, and if its prominent in the movie I can see that happening.