Blade Runner SUSHI BAR + SLICE OF LIFE making of

This is truly fabulous, however what puts me off is the seam line right down the centre of the cab ! Is that meant to be a stripe ?

We're back with fresh news from the set and a super-exclusive Production Diary!!!
My absence from the forum doesn't mean we've been lazy, quite the contrary... Yesterday we counted our working days, and at this very moment we have around 50 days on the set.
That's FIFTY! They shoot feature films in 30! :lol

But that's how it is.. We are a really small crew, and we are taking our time to make it look as perfect as we can!

Last couple of weeks in Croatia were really hot, with really high temperatures which slightly interfered with our filming.
We were really dying on the set, but more about that in the video...


We are slowly working our way around the set and lighting different parts.. Our cop - Ivica Pusticki - is also a regular on the set in the last two weeks..


Here are the guys talking about the next shot and trying to find the best angle.


This is our set seen from above. You can see there's no ceiling, just a couple of 1x2 boards for hanging the top lights.


And last but not least, here's a new "Production Diary No.7"

I hope you'll enjoy it, and we'll see you soon!


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I feel bad for you guys, with the heat and all... We've maxed out at about 31 C in the past few weeks, but it usually rains every day as well. Hot and humid – the best of both worlds!

In Hollywood, when they need fake sweat, they use glycerin, because it doesn't evaporate:

I see you're using the COP pistol, just like Leon used. And you've got the condom machine's video up and running :)

Thanks for sharing, and good luck!

What a great update! I feel so bad for the heat you had to suffer through but it looks like all of you made the best of it and had fun. Thankfully Alien ***** blessed you guys with some rain and great paint job on the toilet.

I hope you'll enjoy it, and we'll see you soon!

Love the BTS videos. And I think it's okay that you're going a bit slower, because your production value is through the roof! The set and production design really help set the tone of this film. And I love the dolly-in shot that you showed in the BTS vid. Great use of light and shadows and smoke, combined with restrained camera movement, help to tell your story very beautifully.

Well done!


EDIT: Also, what lens was on the BMCC for that shot? Tokina 11-16?
Loved the update! Yes, blood, sweat and tears are the way to go guys;) I feel the pain of being in a hot costume with hot spotlights on a hot day (been there, done that, got the T-shirt and the ashtray:D) Keep up the great work, it's going to be great at the end.
Hey guys, our shoot is slowly coming to an end, we think we have about five days to go..
In the meantime here's a small update about filmmakers' two most important things - lenses and guns! :lol

Steven Bills asked about the lens, so here's a list of all the lenses we use:

Tokina 11-16 mm 2.8
Sigma 20 mm 1.8
Rokinon (Samyang) 35 mm 1.5
Sigma 50mm 1.4
Canon 70-200 mm 2.8 IS

and Sigma 24-70 mm 2.8 was used just for a couple of zoom shots.

As for the guns, I am proud to present one of the worst blasters ever:


Don't worry, it was used just for one stunt shot and it was far away from camera. :lol I needed a blaster to throw around so I quickly threw it together in 10 minutes....

Here are all four blasters we use for the film. We installed red LEDs in the cartridge so they glow when connected to the battery.


NO TAECH OK? :lol People always have the need to touch the blasters and they are delicate. I don't want people touching my blasters!

And as Mike pointed out we also use COP Derringer. I made it myself and it's not that accurate. Similar gun under the Derringer is a toy that we use for stunt shots.


That's all the guns we have...
But don't worry, when we are doing the hero close-up shots - we use the best one we got: ;)

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Hey, if it's to throw around, might as well make it with paper and tape:D. Love the different weapons you've made for the shoot: Hero (10cm from cam), ground ones (2 meters from cam), stunt (far, far away from cam):D. Eager to see it all come together (you also, I'm sure!)
Hi Luka, et al. I came across this thread by chance whilst researching for a home-made version of Blade Runner which i've been working on, and I have to say, I am completely blown away with what you have created with your team here Luka. Your film looks amazing, I can't wait to see how it turns out! The attention to details is superb.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of your production diaries, as they are very insightful and highly entertaining.

Simply outstanding work, well done!