Blade Runner SUSHI BAR + SLICE OF LIFE making of

Hey guys, wow!!!
Thank you for your great and supportive comments!!!
I am really glad to see some new names leaving the comments, and I'm very happy that you like what you see!

GREAT NEWS!!! We finished the filming in the toilet set!!! :D
It's been around 60 (sixty) days of shooting altogether for something like 8-9 minutes of film. That's a lot!
We still have to reshoot a couple of shots we are not completely satisfied with, but all in all the toilet is done.


In the last 20 days we started shooting the fight sequence. There's some info about it in the new production diary, but not too much - no spoilers! :D
But I have to say it was really satisfying to film the fight, as it's much more dynamic than other stuff, and it can be really creative in terms of props, special effects and problem solving.


So here's the last production diary from the toilet set. I hope you'll enjoy it!

So, yes, it's been a year since we started filming Slice Of Ca... Life, and I'd like to thank all of you who are following our progress, and support us with your comments, you make it all worthwhile!

Talk to you soon and best regards from Slice team!



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ASC? Really? :p

Is he just jiggling the plug? You can buy strobe lights from the party store, you know.

Good lord, be careful with your pyrotechnics and your water & electricity.

If you want to re-shoot an insert or close-up of the rat being scared & running away, you could try bringing a big dog or cat on stage to scare the rat. I read on the IMDB that they did that on Alien to get a "hiss" out of Jonesy the cat.

Happy birthday, Slice of Life! :)

Amazing, as always. Informative, funny, well-edited, and really really exciting! Can't wait to see whatever comes next. I almost don't want the film to be finished because the production diaries are so great and I don't want them to stop! Almost.
Awesome update. Made my very long day to find a new production video. Loving this work.

Great work to all of you, and such a contrast of weather from the last one…
Congratulations on completing the toilet scene. I know this is going to be a great short film just based on the quality of the production diaries.
ASC? Really? :p

Is he just jiggling the plug? You can buy strobe lights from the party store, you know.

Good lord, be careful with your pyrotechnics and your water & electricity.

If you want to re-shoot an insert or close-up of the rat being scared & running away, you could try bringing a big dog or cat on stage to scare the rat. I read on the IMDB that they did that on Alien to get a "hiss" out of Jonesy the cat.

Happy birthday, Slice of Life! :)

Hey J.J.Abhrams admitted that there was only one cameraman that would get the vibration effect he was looking for so he had to call hi. Each time he wanted to use the affect.
no different LOL
An odd-looking building, which is certainly not a re-dressed Millennium Falcon!


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I'd had always heard about the Millennium Falcon as a building, but never knew what one and how it was incorporated in. I see it now...yaaahhhhh.
Things be looking good in this short film.
That's right Mike! :D

For those that are not familiar with the story - during model work on Blade Runner the crew had to build a lot of buildings quickly, so they were using whatever they could. Modeler Bill George was making his own Millennium Falcon model in his spare time so he quickly re-dressed it into a building..
That's cool, he had a Falcon that turned into a building, and I'll have a building that's going to turn into a Falcon after the filming! :lol

So here's the progress...
I cut the Falcon shape silhouette from 3mm styrene. I used an interesting technique to cut the round shape using my table saw. I learned it from my youtube hero Jimmy DiResta, who has a fantastic youtube channel about making stuff.


That's how I did it, and here's how he did it -> check him out he's awesome:

Then I reinforced the body with some boards, and started covering the plywood with styrene.


Here's the other side:


Next I had to make these curved supports - the usual Falcon making process.


I managed to plate it today, and I started working on the platforms:


That's it for now, I hope I'll have more progress in the next week!
See ya! :thumbsup
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Great work and attention to details...btw, that BR Falcon model was sold several years ago. Bill George never make the necessary transformations to make it back to an original StarWars model.
OK, some updates!

Today I worked on that upper platform. Here's the basic construction:


As always, I just glued a bunch of interesting parts from old electronic devices. It's fun to make towers like that!


These electronic parts are so useful that I really think if you give 15 old TV's to five modelers they could make you whole city in no time! :lol
And here it is, primed in black and painted gray:


I used hairpins for antennas... Does anyone know if it's possible to buy interesting photoetched antennas like the ones they made for blade runner?
It would look much better with them, but there is no company in Croatia that does photoetching, I checked...

Well, anyway, here is the platform on top of the Falcon:


Next - detailing the Falcon!

See you soon!
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Awesome update. I love the sections involved with the models and their shooting. I also love the live action scenes too. The production diaries are a whole new level of information too. Love this thread and eagerly await each update. Keep up the great work there.