Blade Runner SUSHI BAR + SLICE OF LIFE making of

You might talk to Jason Eaton (MoffEaton): I know he had some BR-accurate photo etch made for his blimp, and he may have some left over.

Alternatively, there are ways to etch metal yourself, with ... chemicals & electricity & stuff ... I don't really have any experience with that...

OR, you could carefully check the model train shops for phototeched things, like high-voltage power line towers, or railings, or model aircraft / ship details, or AFV accessories.

...Or, you could BUILD your own antennas out of wire / paperclips / razor blades / thin plastic strips. Probably the most labor-intensive option, but also maybe the cheapest : /

Upper platform looks good! :)



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Platform looks mighty good! Electronics of any kind are a gift to us model makers; I use computers/TV, etc for all of my greeblies nowadays.
There are a lot of TV, electrical and telecommunications tower kits available for model train setups. Mostly from Japan. TomyTec makes some. Not sure if you can buy them from Croatia.
Odds are your hairpins will not be visible in camera. Your work is great as is.
Hey guys!

I've been toying with the idea of making real photo-etched sheets like the ones they used for Blade Runner, and I've set up an interest thread in "Project Run" forum.

Please check out the link and see if you are interested!!!


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Just found this thread and spent a few hours going through each post and this thread rocks so damn awesome!!!

Have a question what are you going to do with all the miniature props when done?
Hey people!

Getoninja, you asked what will we do with the props?
Well, most of the smaller ones will stay in my possession and I'll display them in my home I guess.. When I finish the film I plan to have a huge exhibition in some gallery here in Croatia, but I imagine after that I won't have anywhere to put all those buildings.. I think I see a HUGE bonfire in the future! Hahaha

OK, I finally got some time in the shop, and made some progress on the Falcon building.
Unfortunately I borrowed my Canon camera to a friend so these pics are from the smartphone = crappy!

I glued a bunch of random stuff to the falcon, mostly model sprueces:


Then primed and painted it light gray...


For lighting I just used Christmas lights... cheap and simple...


I'm a bit sad that I don't have my camera and can't take some proper pictures.. Smartphone can't handle low key lighting that good...
Here's one nasty, grainy photo:


That's it for today...
We have a lot of work again, so no free time to work on the film..
Soon though!

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I am amazed how fast you can build such a perfect model... others take years to get a falcon model to this stage, and you pull it off in a few days or weeks.
BTW, are the two cylinders in the gun turret opening what I think they are? :devil

Naaaaah Thorst, it's way from perfect.. :)
Of course I can make it in a couple of days when I'm just gluing random stuff on.. Guys who do it for real take their time..
I just think about what will camera see, and then estimate the percentage of sloppiness I can use! :lol
And, yep, cylinders are what you think they are! haha

Thanks for your comments guys!

Long time no see! :wacko
Been busy with work, but I have some updates!!!

I ordered some EL-wire to try and make a couple of neon signs in miniature!
I started with the White Dragon sign.

I was bending the EL-wire according to the drawing I made, and attached it to the grid with some wire.


For the base I used a piece of wood and the usual computer greeblies.


I'm happy with how it turned out. Looks realistic enough.


But the best part is turning it on! It totally has that neon feel, I love it!


You can see the head of the dragon is not finished. It's just too detailed. You can't bend EL-wire that hard, so I'll have to add those couple of lines in post.

Here's one more with the city in the back!


Next week we'll film a couple of live action shots we are missing, so stay tuned for some updates!
See ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheers
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Yeah, updates. I love this thread and have missed them so much. I never knew about EL wire before, you've taught me about something new again. Wonderful.

I've learnt so much from you all there and cannot wait to see all. I know you've said they'll be a back stage video, I look forward to that almost as much as the final release of your film. Let us know where we can buy them.

Congrats and keep up the fantastic work. Looking beautiful and brilliant as always so much attention to detail.

PS the Falcon looks good on the the left too… wonderful work.
OMG, that sign looks great! I'm surprised you didn't do the whole thing in post. How big is it? Is it going to be used in the foreground of your miniature shots?
Hey guys!

We're back - one step closer to the goal, and with a brand new action-packed Production Diary! (well, not really action-packed) :lol

So, last week we had a quick two-day filming. We filmed just a couple of shots of our friendly dealer doing what he does best... dealing.
This time we decided to film it outside the studio, on a real location. We pulled some strings and got an opportunity to film at a squat/culture center "Medika". We dressed the location up a bit, but with all the graffiti it was mostly ready to go!
Check it out:


We are really happy with the material, but more about that in the Production Diary.

Filming on the second day was done back at my place. The shots were filmed from inside the car towards the driver's window, so we created the illusion of the city outside with the miniatures, like we did once before.


It wasn't that easy because you can never have enough buildings, and we had to be creative to fill all the holes between miniatures, but we pulled through. Also, if you look closely you'll realize this is not the same car as our old Citoren BX, but it's a tight shot so there shouldn't be a problem there.


Anyway, here's the new Production Diary No.9! I hope you'll find it interesting!

I'm not even sure what we will be doing next. The SFX/miniatures are of course on the to do list, as well as some pickups from the toilet scene. :sick
I just hope jobs won't get in the way too much!

Okay, thanks for your comments, and we'll be in touch! Byeeee



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Awesome. So good to hear from you guys. Your 'location' is an excellent find, and adds a lot of 'production value' :)

Depending on how tightly you frame or crop the car scenes, no one should be able to notice the difference, as the computer consoles / whatever will simply be assumed by the viewer to be off camera. But you know that.

And I like your phony 'neon' sign. Does that LED rope (is that what that is?) come in user-selectable multiple colors via a little control box? Because, if it did, you could re-arrange the sign and change the colors and make it look like multiple, different signs. Alternatively, you could wrap gels around parts of it to give it different colors: Yellow light + Blue gels = green, etc.
