Caprica On SyFy: 1/29

Not enthralled so far. I'll stick with it for a little while, but they're in danger of losing me.

Not caring much about any of the characters. I don't feel for Zoe-avatar-cylon at all. So far, the character I enjoy most is the robot butler.

I find the Tauron=Mafia Planet simplistic, lame, and a little offensive. Especially since the casting is along the same physical characteristics as our little Earth's stereotype of mobsters. If they were going to have an organized crime race, why not blonde haired/blue eyed? Not to mention the old Star Wars "all Hutts are gangsters" lumping in of one race/planet being defined by one archetype.
I agree on the Tauron "mobster"'s cliche' at this point...they look very olive skinned not unlike our own Terran mobsters been done to death.

Zoe,avatar,cylon....kinda weird, but I'm going with it for eats up an hour on my otherwise boring Friday nights.
Except there are only three episodes listed on my Tivo from now to kingdom come!!! Did they film anymore or is this going to be a British style series?
Sopranooooooooooos iiiiinnnnnn Spaaaaaaaaaace!

(Except they're Greek now!)

So who wants to bet that little William at some point gets the "enlist or go to jail" option? 'Cause neither Daddy nor Uncle is all that much as a role model.
Skaught- You have to understand that this is 50 years before before the RIS BSG series. They have rotary phones and reel to reel answering machines going along with computers and cell phones. Logically, it makes sense for them to have VHS in "Caprica", as video discs were presented in the RIS BSG series (episode: "Six Degrees of Separation", Season 1).

But, there are some familiar faces that show up. As Luciana Carro confirmed with Matt and Nat at BSGCast, her appearance in this episode came through. Also, Christian Tessier (Duck from “The Resistance” webisodes) guest stars in the opening scene after the credits.

BTW, there is a reference to the word “Apotheosis” spoken by Sister Clarice Willow. The funny thing is, there’s two separate meanings that could very well apply to the show.

The first is obvious: In theology the term apotheosis refers to the idea that an individual, group, or locale has been raised to godlike stature. (which sounds like the SOTO)

The second: (from the Monomyth as explained by Joseph Campbell): When someone dies a physical death, or dies to the self to live in spirit, he or she moves beyond the pairs of opposites to a state of divine knowledge, love, compassion and bliss. A more mundane way of looking at this step is that it is a period of rest, peace and fulfillment before the hero begins the return. (this sounds a lot like a description of the Zoey A.I.)

For those who wonder about the above descriptions, both are from Wikipedia.

I think Graystone will discover the tweak that the Zoey A.I. makes to the U-87 to allow herself wireless access and then finally put two and two together that she isn't as "gone" as he believes her to be.
I think Graystone will discover the tweak that the Zoey A.I. makes to the U-87 to allow herself wireless access and then finally put two and two together that she isn't as "gone" as he believes her to be.

I figured she would say "I'm not a terrorist" when her parents were talking about her.
Did anyone else notice the Renault LeCar with what looked like Ontario plates in Caprica? Stuff like this just turns me off. A little attention to detail would be nice.
Did I see right that Zoey was wearing one of the SOTO infinity symbols as a child? I wonder who gave it to her...
Is anyone still watching this show i watched the first episode and i just dont see the point does it get any better because so far its a load of tripe? i love battlestar but this appears to be written by morons.
3/4" Tape! :)

It is an odd mix for sure. Digital paper, virtual headsets, advanced robots, and rotary phones.

It´s tough to establish a fresh visual on a budget :\ The reporters and their hats and old style cameras with retro flashes have annoyed me from the start. Retrofuture style yeah, but it´s a thin line to walk to make it look good like in "Gattaca".
I'm still watching, but the V world stuff is interminable. Feels like TNG holodeck stuff all over again.

I really like their technology, the disposable electronic paper and the Bands are cool... where is the repro!!

It's amusing to see they don't even try to hide the Vancouver locations, the Tauren town in Chinatown and there was a shot this week where a 'Gore' street sign was clearly shown.
Is anyone still watching this show i watched the first episode and i just dont see the point does it get any better because so far its a load of tripe? i love battlestar but this appears to be written by morons.

I have to agree. I've sat through all of these and this show is boring me to tears. I have to DVR this show because I always fall asleep watching it live. I hope this thing gets better but as of now. Snooze fest 2010.

The whole VR party club is getting old too. Move on with the story please.

I caught part of it the other night. I'm not sure I got it right, but there's an avatar of Adama's daughter wandering around the internet and she's not aware her real self died? And now she's killing other people who jack in?

Rip off of Net/hack.
And now she's killing other people who jack in?

She was inside a game in that episode killing off people's avatars because in that particular game players could only play once and are never allowed back in. From the ending it seems like she was wiping that particular corner of the virtual world clean.