Ok Craig, I'll do a head and shoulders teaser for you, actually I'll do one better and do from the chestbox up. I'll go suit up now and get the wife to shoot a few shots.
I am still waiting on my wool capes to be made from my seamstress. I bought the materials over the summer and I told her to take her time with them to make sure they were done right. I sold my custardkitty capes some time ago so the only capes I have right now are my Rubies capes (modified of course) and I am waiting to get the time after Christmas to build my belt. After the belt is done and my capes are finished I will be satisfied with the suit and post full pics. Oh yes, I have to get a ROTJ saber too, guess I'll wait for the MR one.
I would also like to have a ROTJ lid like a Elstree or JB but my cking will have to do for now. I know a cking is a mix between ESB and ROTJ. Once I finish my ROTJ Vader then it is on to ANH. Already have one ANH lid with another on the way after Christmas so that's a good start.
Well heres an old picture of my Rubies it was a mix of ANH/ROTJ ahh the good old days befor the accuracy bug bit the S*&^& out of me :lol so i sold this costume to fund a new one.
TMP I really have to say that every time I see those photos they blow me away...just the best photographic work of a costumed Vader I've seen.... :thumbsup
EDIt: do you mind if I put them on the Vader reference DVD?
Thank you guys for nice coments about the photos. I were sweating for over 2 hours with variouse shots.
over 500 were taken... But only few made it to the final
I will not mind if you use the photos, but only if you put TMP watermark over them.
If you send me a mail i can send you larger photos.