Deleted scene from ROTJ!

to my point of view
i believe that scene is more of Luke adjusting his saber rather than making it and i even believe that could been Hamill with cape because of his chin (but it does throw me off with that clip because the Emperor has the same chin Hamill has)

kinda have to hate me saying this, everybody knows there was a piece of sketch having Luke place his lightsaber into R2 years ago

i believe the people who saw this picture but never to seen this part filmed, made the story for Shadows of the Empire where the EU mentions Luke making his saber

my stupid theory:

i guess Lucas hold a lot of secrets and asked the actors to keep them quietly. for example, the actor who played old Anakin Skywalker, Mr. Shaw was told not to tell anyone for his role (including his family) and what he was working on. why would hamill denied the scene was ever filmed? and about anthony daniel being there only, could it been the c-3po was actually there with blue or green screen?
IMHO, the footage is not legitimate vintage. It's new.
Any theories or discussion on how it could be authentic is simply wishful thinking.
Fact is, if it were the real deal, we would have seen it before now - like before Lucas decided to do the prequels and needed some more money to milk from the original trilogy.
Anything can be done with CG these days - even create 'new lost scenes' from Star Wars.
Once the bluray is out it should be obvious as to the legitimacy. Although I will not be buying them because only SE's on bluray. If there is enough REAL vintage deleted stuff, I may consider... but I doubt it.
Fact is, if it were the real deal, we would have seen it before now -

I recall seeing stills from ROTJ of Vader choking Imperial Guards/officers (I think they are all in the scene), but that video doesn't seem to have been released. Surely there has to be scenes that were shot that the public hasn't had access to.
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Go to and you'll see stills of all kinds of scenes that never made it into the final cuts. One off the top of my head is Vader and Luke coming out of a shuttle when they arrive at the Death Star. Theres gotta be all kinds of fragments that havent been seen...
Well, if it is real, I can see why it was deleted. Something about it just seems wrong. I can't put my finger on it, except to say that it "feels" different than the rest of the film somehow.