Disney wants more 'Star Wars' in its theme parks

george lucas laughing GIF by South Park

That $4 billion lemon that George sold them is looking more and more like a pretty good deal for him, so far…
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I'm not sure how this compares since we didn't get to make it, but the thing I liked about Quark's Bar in Vegas was you could just come and go as you pleased and weren't really locked into a specific LARP... I *love* just hanging around Battu and the themed environments at Galaxy's Edge - but there's the cost of entry. That said, if GE existed when I was a kid, my head would have exploded. I'd like to think (?) maybe setting the Starcruiser during a different era may have helped, but not sure - sounds like cost and experience had some hurdles with some folks... There's *probably* a way to do a Star Wars hotel that works, just not sure exactly what it would be...
You know what Star Wars fans would probably really want, more than this? Perhaps the Bespin environment, where your hotel room looks at over the bustling Cloud City. At a certain point(s), Boba Fett walks by on the catwalk above with Han in carbonite. Perhaps a bird's eye view of Vader and Luke fighting a more elaborate dual in the carbon freeze chamber. Or the moment when Vader reveals the truth to Luke about his lneage.

While those are good ideas, once you see it once, you won't be seeing it again. I'm not certain if any idea would have worked. Some customers may have wanted an experience that was a complete surprise, while others, would want an experience that would be completely designed by them and you can't make everyone happy.

A real cruise should have onboard entertainment and good food, but I believe the best part of one is actually visiting places that are diverse where you can either shop, explore or enjoy the scenery. I can't see how they could do that in a bubble unless they design virtual experiences wearing a headset, or have a ride exclusive to the guests.

While those are good ideas, once you see it once, you won't be seeing it again. I'm not certain if any idea would have worked. Some customers may have wanted an experience that was a complete surprise, while others, would want an experience that would be completely designed by them and you can't make everyone happy.

A real cruise should have onboard entertainment and good food, but I believe the best part of one is actually visiting places that are diverse where you can either shop, explore or enjoy the scenery. I can't see how they could do that in a bubble unless they design virtual experiences wearing a headset, or have a ride exclusive to the guests.


If only they had included a tilt-o-whirl, or Whirly-gig as part of the hotel…that would have made all the difference. Fans would have eagerly lined up to pay the price of admission for that—I know I would have. YOLO!

star wars yolo GIF
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You know what might have worked? Doing anything but the idiotic sequel trilogy. Too bad Disney is too stupid to figure basic stuff out.
I don't think that would have made much of a difference, I'm pretty sure that the issues with the GS had much more to do with factors other than the setting. Sure, setting in the OT or even the PT might have attracted a handful more fans, but almost certainly not enough to have made a drop in the bucket. I'm pretty sure that the exorbitant cost for a pretty short stay and the general lack of repeatability (you've seen it once and that's good, going back won't result in a drastically different experience) had more to do with the hotel's failure than the setting.
It’s not just Disney, but Kathleen Kennedy if reports about her pushing for new Star Wars in parks instead of the classics are true.
To be fair, it's what I'd do if I were in her place. While I overall enjoyed the sequels I'm not a huge fan of them either. However, to a lot of people who were young when the sequels came out or have only really seen the sequels and are still really young, this is Star Wars to them. It's no different than how and entire generation grew up with the prequels and to them, that's Star Wars. KK & Disney are simply looking forward and catering to the next generation of Star Wars fans. Fans that may not have money of their own but their mommies and daddies do and young parents today are more likely to give whatever little Sally and little Johnny want, and if they want Kylo Ren and Rey dolls, that's what they're going to get and Disney is smart enough to know that as was George when the prequels first came out.
I don't think that would have made much of a difference, I'm pretty sure that the issues with the GS had much more to do with factors other than the setting. Sure, setting in the OT or even the PT might have attracted a handful more fans, but almost certainly not enough to have made a drop in the bucket. I'm pretty sure that the exorbitant cost for a pretty short stay and the general lack of repeatability (you've seen it once and that's good, going back won't result in a drastically different experience) had more to do with the hotel's failure than the setting.

You are saying that this stunt spectacular, comparable to an evening spent at Medieval Times, was not a strong enough value proposition to justify dropping $1,500?

Yeah…you may be right.
He sold them a perfectly fine franchise. It had its faults, sure. But it was Lucas's magic. Disney turned it into a turd.

I think we can all agree that by the time George sold the franchise to Disney, the story had pretty much been told and there wasn’t much left to say about Star Wars. He is a smart man.

All they are doing now is regurgitating.

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