Sr Member
OK, so I'm a bit further on with this. I just finished the electronics assembly and sanding the key. Here's some looks at it:
There's a look at the electronics. I assembled them off the key like I planned. To get the alignment right I used a drip of glue on the amplifier chip to secure it to the sim card wafer. I lined them up while on the key and let the glue dry, then took them off the key after. Once that was done I soldered the resistor to the chip and then the other end of the resistor to the sim wafer, then did the wires. I'll tell you, i was amazed at how easy it was to solder to the sim wafer. Hardest part was adjusting the soldering iron temperature to not melt that tin gauge wire's insulation.
There's the underside of it. You can see a little bit of the glue there on the corner of the amplifier chip where I secured it while I was soldering this. You can also see the very thin fiberglass layer and microchip under the sim card as well as the J hooks on the wire and resistor.
BTW, the sim card wafer is thiiiiiin. Like literally paper thin.
And here is the electronics placed on the key. Not glued or anything, just placed. I think it's coming along nicely. It's not dead on perfect but it's pretty darn close I think. I still need to make the other key with the blue resistor though.
There's a look at the electronics. I assembled them off the key like I planned. To get the alignment right I used a drip of glue on the amplifier chip to secure it to the sim card wafer. I lined them up while on the key and let the glue dry, then took them off the key after. Once that was done I soldered the resistor to the chip and then the other end of the resistor to the sim wafer, then did the wires. I'll tell you, i was amazed at how easy it was to solder to the sim wafer. Hardest part was adjusting the soldering iron temperature to not melt that tin gauge wire's insulation.
There's the underside of it. You can see a little bit of the glue there on the corner of the amplifier chip where I secured it while I was soldering this. You can also see the very thin fiberglass layer and microchip under the sim card as well as the J hooks on the wire and resistor.
BTW, the sim card wafer is thiiiiiin. Like literally paper thin.
And here is the electronics placed on the key. Not glued or anything, just placed. I think it's coming along nicely. It's not dead on perfect but it's pretty darn close I think. I still need to make the other key with the blue resistor though.