Limited Run Graflex 2.0 and Crossguard saber run - sign up thread

Will there be a Kylo Ren 2.0 with the correct measurements now that the Prop Shop version is out?

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Just wanted to give you guys a heads up about using slothfurnace's board for your TFA circuit board replacement in a Graflex 2.0 kit. I had to sand down about 1/16th of inch to fit it into my 2.0 graflex - just past his company information printed on the board. If you don't do this, obviously it won't fit and you risk cracking it. It looks great though once you do this, the only thing I noticed is according to the "studio replica" photos, the thinner vertical gold line leads appear to be facing facing the wrong side (right instead of left). For me it's not a big deal but for you perfectionists, might want to keep this in mind. IMHO, I find this board much more visually satisfying than the stock black/silver ESB board that comes with the kit.

Korbanth did an AMAZING job with this kit! Very satisfied with it!

Graflex 2.0 received and assembled. Super easy assembly, once I figured it out! LOL Just a dab of E6000 on the tip of the button to hold the red button covers in place, and a couple of dabs along the back edges of the circuit board to hold that in place (until I get a newer/better one, at least), and it's good to go!


Anyone have any tips on the EASIEST way to get get sound and light into this thing? I'm fine with picking up a 7/8" blade from Vader's Vault to use with it.
Some great tutorials out there. There's a YouTube series called Let's Build a Graflex that details how to do it with a 3D printed chassis. If you look up on Facebook SoCal Saber, he does one install with the chassis discs and spacers from TCSS. All depends on how you want to show the saber off.
Is anyone doing a "blade plug" for the emitter for this saber so it looks like the Graflex bulb thing?