Indiana Jones 5 officially announced

Was the show even canon?
Guessing probably not, but it would be a cool little nod, that if he doesn't die in this new film, that he does lose his eye somehow.
But I also doubt they are that creative enough.
All thought now a days seems to go into how much CGI they can pull off.
When you have an Indiana Jones series that features Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones, it kind of makes it cannon. IMHO LoL
And on sax: Indiana Jones!
It's been a really loooong time since I read the novelization of Temple of Doom, but I seem to remember it was actually believable in the novel. If I remember correctly, in the book, as the plane was going down it was going over the downslope of a mountain. As they ejected the plane the raft sort of "hit the ground running." That actually made a lot more sense. It should've been that way in the movie instead of just that straight down plop.
I actually really like the bearded, cardigan with a tie under the jacket look. It makes him more of a person and less of a cartoon that has to dress the same all the time.

Agreed…for the first time, the character had some sort of believable evolution reflective of the passage of time.
It's already looking like a complete flop. They're looking at less than $60 million opening weekend, that's half of what Little Mermaid made and it's far, far, FAR more expensive.
You know…I have to disagree with those prognosticators (the Nostradamuses of YouTube) who have predicted that Dial “D” For Destiny” is going to completely flop.

The audience that this film is designed for are those that use the term “I ‘seen’ that” when referring to to characters and franchises they recognize.

Dummy Feeling Dumb GIF

“Hey. I ‘seen’ that Indiana Jones before…I will go to that new movie and ‘seen’ it…”

If the Fast and the Furious franchise continues to have an audience, that same audience will pay to watch the new Indy movie…

I don’t think it’s going to completely “flop”. Will it make less money than Disney would like? Most likely, but it will not completely “flop”, even if it is as bad as the reviews seem to indicate.
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