I don't wholeheartedly agree with the 'Deconstruction of character X is wrong" mentality, simply because in almost every instance (Luke, Indy, etc), it was these "beloved" characters from many peoples childhoods, but it was always going to be a trend after LOGAN.
I mean in that, you took the most popular X-Man, broke him down to where he was a completely bitter, cynical, defeated driver for hire, trying to scrape up enough money to buy a boat so he could take Charles & himself away from all society, both to protect the world & because of the guilt he felt for being incapable of stopping the death of each & every one of his friends, & to top it all off, he carried an adamantium bullet so he could blow his head off when it all got too much or after Charles died, whichever comes first.
That's a pretty big "Deconstruction" of Wolverine, but people & especially actual fans of the character LOVED it.
The difference is, there hasn't been 50 years of folks sleeping in Wolverine sheets dreaming of how THEY wanted the character's story to end.
I'm not going to rehash every TLJ, TRoS, & Indy thread that's been posted, nor am I going to defend them, but I think we, myself included, can get so hung up on where a character IS in some of these, that we miss where they end up.
The man Logan was at the beginning of that film was nowhere near the man that died at the end. The broken, alcoholic slob who was ready to eat a bullet was the one that remembered who he was & sacrificed himself to save but only the next generation of mutants but also... THE NEW FEMALE REPLACEMENT.
Point is, don't get mad at Disney Mangold, or even KK for what's being done to your "HEROES"...
Blame FOX, Mangold, & Jackman for doing it first & having a LOT of people absolutely LOVE it.