Machinist's term project - Tom's first lightsaber gift


Master Member
So... A while back, I want to say 12 years... Maybe more... a friend was taking machining classes and from what I remember he took on a lightsaber as a term project! The deal was I would give him a blueprint and a bottle of bourbon and he'd give me and my dad the project when it was done. Not bad huh?

Back then... I mean, let's do some math, the best things out there were the Darth Lars (?) hero/stunt blueprint .jpg that was like.. close enough. That's what we gave him, and obviously if you remember: some of the measurements were off, some were missing, etc. so it wasn't perfect. Anyway, he came back with this:
Picture 15.png

Ironically, we had to ask him to fix the upper neck, AND see if he could pull off the pommel cubes. They did both, and did the pommel cubes on a drill press... so risky, but it generally worked. I painted it back when we had no freaking idea what the V2 looked like, and I had a Rylo grenade body, and a russrep emitter weathered by boba debt for my Obi Wan saber... if that dates it for you.


Well, I took another look at this saber recently. I decided to use what I had in front of me to make it better. It already had a V3 style recess in the emitter, (as does the V2 we now know) so I sat down at my mini lathe to see if I could make a "nipple" for a random piece of steel rod I had lying around.

Bingo. I don't know how I pulled it off, but I'm getting better at lathing metal! Anyway, I cut the emitter off and tried to drill it out. Dull bit + drill press actually tipping when I press the parts together... went crooked. So I had to bore out the rear of the emitter by hand and rely on the nipple to center the damned thing.

Nicely, I stuck the emitter recess on my lathe chuck and was able to cut the emitter into a nicer shape, cleaned up every single surface and added V2 style M3 grub screws.

So, that sorta worked out. I drilled into the body, just the length of the neck, and added a set screw like the V3 for the tang, then used that as a drill shaft to sand the hell out of the body on my hand drill. That was very satisfying! I also blanked every original hole I could. A crappy cone knob, a badly placed D ring hole, and actually a huge hole in the side of the emitter like the V3. Can't even tell... its where the dent is on the side.


I added a clamp I salvaged from an Anakin Starkiller and Halliwax batch and just used some of my weird vintage screws to hold the clamp together for now.


I'm gonna see what paint I should use..... but first the pommel cubes need some hand filing to clean them up!


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Soooo tonight I had a great idea. I could hand-run the pommel through a big drill press sanding drum! Left and right side of the pommel cubes made them more trapezoidal: the original pommels had full trapezoid channels removed, not rectangular, between the cubes.

Thankfully I also have a handy pile of vintage metal files and I found a rough big, rough small and polishing file that worked with this aluminum. I rotated it in my hand and finished and evened out the surfaces.

After this I was so excited that I polished up some other surfaces a little more. The holes that I blanked:

And the full body
thanks danny! I found these shots on my iphone too... a before and during the emitter work