Master Replicas Luke V2 Sample Stolen

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I would like to offer a devils advocate point of view.

First off, this does totally suck. No matter what the items is or what it's used for, having anything stolen from you is among the worst feeling and experiences. I hope your property is returned soon and safe.

I worked as a loss prevention manager for a large corporation some years back. Loss prevention is a fancy term for "keeping your crap from getting stolen". There are a few rules of thumb you always need to remember.

I totally understand the idea behind MR's intent. However, if I had anything to say about the displays, I would have strongly advised against it. And not because hindsight is 20/20. I just know what people in the right situation are capable of. Just because guests were MR Collector Scociety Members, doesn't mean they are all honest ones. If given the chance, those not-so-honest people will steal you blind if and when they get the chance. Let's be realistic. These were groups and individuals of strangers being put in front of easily accessable and very tempting items. I can't say this occourance suprises me. When you go into stores, why are certain pieces of merchandise behind the counter or in locked cabinates or tagged with alarm sensors?

I busted people everyday trying to steal from us and you would be, shocked at who they were and what they attempted to steal. Any age, any race, and item, you name it, in any way they could, I delt with it first hand. We had security on speed-dial taking people into custody and transfered to police to be procecuted. Even people within our own organization were not amune to temptation.

This situation was 100% avoidable but not MR's fault. People could have viewed the items just as well under a locked display case. Would it have been as cool as getting to handle it? No, but you would still have the production item which I'm sure represents hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars, in your posession. I personally wouldn't have taken that chance. I'm not saying this is MR's fault but it could have been avoided. Ultimately it was the person who stole it that made the decision to commit a crime. I'm sure this is a very painful lesson for MR and wont be repeated in the future.

Unfortunately we live in a day and age where we cannot be so care free and trustworth as we would like to (or think it should) be. It's not pessimism, it's just reality.

Good luck MR, I sincerly hope your item is retrieved.
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well it just goes to show you that the phrase "trust no one" is alive and kicking.
I think what master replicas was doing was a real stand up thing with the right intent, however if 20 years in the film industry has taught me nothing else its to trust no one, period.
If I had a nickel for all the props or models I have built over the years for countless films that were stolen or "just disapeared " I would be a rich man. Ive gotten use to the fact that there are others out there making a lot of money off my hard work. But you learn to come to terms with that and become a person who is allways on the look out for crooks. Im very sorry to hear that this happened at an event that was for the fans and someone ruined it for all. I hope that they get there property back and I hope they filed a police report as well.

I hope it was not a person associated with this forum or our community. And whether you are a fan of MR or not its still not cool.


There were only 2 replies that hinted that it was your fault...did you notice that the rest were simply annoyed at the thief?

I myself was about to post a defense of MR as I felt that it was wrong to put the blame on you.
But please guys...don't just assume that 2 members represent the body of the group.

That said...

I think it was a stupid and terrible thing to do,to rip off the sample. I agree that this piece acan never see the light of day...and whoever stole it can never sell it for the value.

To the one or ones who stole it, I publicly call you a thief and a coward.

Wow. I have been shocked and saddened by a lot of posts in the past but I think this one takes the cake. Our party last night was to thank our CS members. We wanted it to be special. We wanted everyone to be able to see what we have in the works. We thought they would appreciate it. Now, someone has stolen it, and you are blaming us? We try to do something nice, someone steals something, but they are not to blame, we are? How does someone stealing our prop have anything to do with QC issues? Am I missing something?

Yes, we could have put things in cases, 3 or 4 feet away but we wanted people to be able to interact with the prop. I find it hard to believe that we are being bashed for this.

I am sorry, I can usually take MR bashing when it is justified but I don't believe this comment is justified.
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This is sad news. What a complete low-life. Hope he/she gets caught and the item returned safely and in perfect condition to MR. There is no excuse for stealing and only the sorry sod of a thief is to blame.
Can anyone please post pics of the proto-saber, so that noone can say that he bought the thing on good faith not knowing what it was supposed to look like ?

What a shame, thieves are scum plain and simple. Too bad there was only one prototype. Always have a backup.
Really sucks to hear. I know that companies at comic conventions struggle with what to display because theft is always a problem at conventions, and how much do you weight security issues against wanting to show the fans something they will enjoy. In this case it is even worst because it was at an event not open to the public - that bothers me even more.
- While I know it may not be the majority of the comments I was still suprised a couple responses - I would never state that any person (or company) ia at fault for having a thief take something. There may be cases that things could have been done different, but victim blaming tends to be more of a criminal mindset, which is sad really -The old "she deserved it" excuse. The only person responsible for this is the thief.
I appreciate any company willing to bring things like that to an event, trying to show hard work as well as give the people attending a treat. I have been to functions like this where the fear of things like this resulted in nothing but photo's on display - and I have seen fans react badly to that, upset that they disn't get to see an actual object - feeling things are hidden, and that they are not trusted (shocker). So you lose either way. I hope MR does not let this prevent them from displaying there works at conventions like this.
So...I wonder if this will keep this saber out of our hands now that it's delayed and the license expiring and all.

Who saw it? Was it cool? Pics? Description?

Thieves suck. Bad. My condolences MR. I'm a big supporter of your props, and looking forward to this one.
Really not cool. Here are a few ideas you are probably already in the process of doing.

You have a list of the attendees, Contact them all and request the saber prototype back and give instructions on how to send it back anonymously. Make it clear the seriousness of the crime, this isn't just a paperweight, it's value in excess of $500 I think makes the crime a felony, the no questions asked return might save them a trip to the Pokie.

Offer a reward for information leading to the recovery, if someone took it in a crowded room, chances are someone saw the theif, even if it was a friend of theirs, a reward may coax them to speak up.

Consider mass mailing all MR Customers with a "wanted" poster and a picture of the prototype so they all nkow what to be on the lookout for.

Good luck and I hope the theif has a moment of conscience and does the right thing.
I think it stinks to high heaven anyone would take such a display piece, especially after being invited to the CS members party. MR goes all out for those events and to do something like that in return shakes the faith for anyone involved.
There is never an excuse for any action like this. I hope things turn out well for MR with this. Those at MR that went to extremes to please their customer base do not deserve such a deplorable act as this.
I second what Ghadrack says. An Address published here for the thief to send the prop back anonymously will increase the chances of getting it back (maybe not well packed, but....). Especially when the thief begins to realize that they can never show it off themselves.

Really not cool. Here are a few ideas you are probably already in the process of doing.

You have a list of the attendees, Contact them all and request the saber prototype back and give instructions on how to send it back anonymously. Make it clear the seriousness of the crime, this isn't just a paperweight, it's value in excess of $500 I think makes the crime a felony, the no questions asked return might save them a trip to the Pokie.

Offer a reward for information leading to the recovery, if someone took it in a crowded room, chances are someone saw the theif, even if it was a friend of theirs, a reward may coax them to speak up.

Consider mass mailing all MR Customers with a "wanted" poster and a picture of the prototype so they all nkow what to be on the lookout for.

Good luck and I hope the theif has a moment of conscience and does the right thing.
I would like to offer a devils advocate point of view.

First off, this does totally suck. No matter what the items is or what it's used for, having anything stolen from you is among the worst feeling and experiences. I hope your property is returned soon and safe.

I worked as a loss prevention manager for a large corporation some years back. Loss prevention is a fancy term for "keeping your crap from getting stolen". There are a few rules of thumb you always need to remember.

I totally understand the idea behind MR's intent. However, if I had anything to say about the displays, I would have strongly advised against it. And not because hindsight is 20/20. I just know what people in the right situation are capable of. Just because guests were MR Collector Scociety Members, doesn't mean they are all honest ones. If given the chance, those not-so-honest people will steal you blind if and when they get the chance. Let's be realistic. These were groups and individuals of strangers being put in front of easily accessable and very tempting items. I can't say this occourance suprises me. When you go into stores, why are certain pieces of merchandise behind the counter or in locked cabinates or tagged with alarm sensors?

I busted people everyday trying to steal from us and you would be, shocked at who they were and what they attempted to steal. Any age, any race, and item, you name it, in any way they could, I delt with it first hand. We had security on speed-dial taking people into custody and transfered to police to be procecuted. Even people within our own organization were not amune to temptation.

This situation was 100% avoidable but not MR's fault. People could have viewed the items just as well under a locked display case. Would it have been as cool as getting to handle it? No, but you would still have the production item which I'm sure represents hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars, in your posession. I personally wouldn't have taken that chance. I'm not saying this is MR's fault but it could have been avoided. Ultimately it was the person who stole it that made the decision to commit a crime. I'm sure this is a very painful lesson for MR and wont be repeated in the future.

Unfortunately we live in a day and age where we cannot be so care free and trustworth as we would like to (or think it should) be. It's not pessimism, it's just reality.

Good luck MR, I sincerly hope your item is retrieved.

I tend to agree here. Not MRs fault some jerk took it, but on the same token, leaving ANYTHING not with a minimal amount of security or protection from thieving hands is just not thinking. People should be trusted to an extent, but i wouldnt leave a hundred dollar bill on the ground in my office just daring someone to make it disappear...

if not already posted
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I hate the "no consequences to thieving" worded here, but I guess that's the only way to get the prototype back.

If anyone knows this guy or saw him... speak up, so he can FEEL the consequences! :angry
Are there any pictures from the event and the V2 that was stolen?
Have you shown pictures to the Police and given them a list of everyone that attended?
It truly does suck that this has happened and i hope that the item will be returned or found.
I dont think Amanaman was blaming MR he actually said they were PARTLY responsible for this happening there is a difference there to blaming them.
I dont think that victim blaming is indicitive of a criminal mindset either if i left my car on the street unlocked with the keys in the ignition and the engine running my insurance company would without doubt throw my claim straight out.
Sad as it is it is true like BlueMirageStudios says that thieves are everywhere in all walks of life and it is your responsibility to safeguard your property.
I'm in no doubt that MR had very good intentions in wanting to give there loyal customers a great party and experience but it is a little niave to think that everyone invited is going to be honest and upstanding.
Whilst the majority maybe honest there will always be dishonest people wherever you go too you dont have to search far on this board to find members that have been ripped off by fellow members it happens with some frequency even though the large majority of members are completely trustworthy.
Once again Amy i hope the property finds it's way back to you and you and MR have my sympathy.
If however it doesnt surface it would be nice to know what difference this prototype has from the final production model so if at a later date someone tries selling it that it can be identified.
I hope that MR gets the prop back. I myself would like to know who did it so that they would get none of my business. I do understand the anonymous return idea but that leaves us with a thief in our midst (hopefully a non RPF member).
As far as MR bashing. I own several MR products and quite a few of non licensed items. I think that with collecting props we have all suffered the "Long Wait" to recieve our item and that unfortunatly comes with the collecting props.
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