Master Replicas Luke V2 Sample Stolen

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Saw a pic of the saber from a thread at Rebelscum. Looks like it will/would have been a nice piece, although OT I dislike the pommel and the copper on the windvane, more so because I'm used to mine than that I think they're necessarily incorrect.

I sure hope we see this returned. I wonder if the douchebag even knows what he has or was just drunk and said: cool, a lightsaber!
like so many have said... whoever stole it would get tarred and feathered. the person can avoid it by sending the thing back and walking slowly away.

its crap like this that ruins things for the rest of us. i wasn't there, and now that this happened, it seems pretty safe to say that an opportunity like this won't come again any time soon.
Damn, that sucks to hear it was stolen. Hopefully the person responsible will get to feeling guilty and send it back, or will slip up and show it to someone who will turn them in. Good luck, MR.
I am not a fan of MR.


With that being said, this is unexcusable. What was this jerk thinking? That he now has a truly valuable piece? Are you kidding??? It's like stealing the Mona Lisa. Sure, you've stolen it, now what? You can never tell anyone, brag about it or sell it for fear that someone will turn you in. Was it just the thrill of stealing the prototype?

Master Replicas, for this, my heart does indeed goes out to you.
Very best wishes on you getting your property back.
I would recommend that MR keep their eyes on eBay, someone stupid enough to steal the saber is likely to be stupid enough to try to sell it on eBay.
I hope everything works out for the best.

The following is from rebelscum.

MRSWBryan said:
Once again, thanks for everyone's help on this.

"There is another"

But, as you all know, time is of the essence! We do not usually may 2 first prototypes because there will usually be changes. However, I made 2 this time to get several processes going at the same time. We had 2 made by our vendor in Asia and had them painted here to be used as "paint masters". One was going to be sent immediately back to Hong Kong and the other was going to be used for preliminary photos and submitted to Lucasfilm for approval. Now, with only 1 sample, this one has to be used for everything and I cannot do things simultaneously.
Once again, thanks to everyone!
What will prevent the thief from laying low until the piece is manufactured and released, then passing it off as one of those to either a) be able to display it, or b) get it out of their hair?
The first tell I see is that the clamp is smooth...
No Graflex on it.The lines look really faint to me.

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Looks good but not as good as mine lol!!! Cant belive some 1 stolen it.... Should chain it up or put it in a glass cabinet or some thing.

Is there a reward?? If so I will copy it :lol

Sadly, it almost doesn't surprise me. MR has been pretty irresponsible in the past - grammar mistakes, lousy marketing, QC issues, but this is, by far, the worst oversight! I DO blame MR partly, just bring an advanced prototype out into plain view.

Assuming that it's not their ONLY sample, this means a step back in development,putting its chances of being released in jeopardy.

Wow. You and Surfer Geek seem to have a certain predisposed attitude towards MR. Or maybe not? I feel it was an incredibly good piece of PR and earnest gesture for fans and collectors that MR would hold a partly like this!

It shows genuine interest in their target demographic and also lets "us" interact personally with what could be a faceless and otherwise commericially cold entity...
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