Portable Automated Somnacin IntraVenous (PASIV) device, "INCEPTION" *spoliers?*

My dad and I are making it cheaply. It seems the most expensive part will be the case. Dad's actually looking at using a small cake pan for the bit in the bottom middle. I wouldn't have thought of that, but that's why we're making it together. I was the one who suggested orange pill bottles to contain the Somnacin. I really, really thought it would be a lot pricier to make, but if my dad thinks it can be done cheaply, it will be. (This is why it's GREAT to have an engineer in the family. Really.)
I found a briefcase with the latches, it seems to be the same model judging by the reference pictures posted here by other members. If you look closely at the front of both briefcases, this one and the one in the movie, they say "ZERO" on the front and have the latches. It appears about the right size, too.

Zero Halliburton Premier 5" Silver Attache P5-SI - Luggage Pros

Now all you have to do is drill the holes on the side, clear out all the innards and start building. :)

My case came in yesterday. While, yes, the latch and handle are incorrect (and it's not a Halliburton), it's passable enough for a casual fan who will go, "OH, hey, the dream suitcase from Inception!" It's quite light, and the aluminum has a nice "Tnk!" sound to it.
Anyone have an opinion on what size the vials are? Or what type of Amber fluid they should contain?

Doing some rough scaling from Art's AWESOME pictures, I think they should have a diameter of between and 1 inch and 1 1/4 inch.

Alright, based on a few more scaling attempts, I think the vials are around 2.75 inches tall. I think I found a similarly sized vial on this site:

It's the clear 6 dram vial, which measures 26.5 mm x 70 mm, or 1.04 inch x 2.75 inch.

I'll keep looking, but those look pretty darn close.
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Are you creating all the innards from scratch, or using found items?
I still haven't located the light displays.

For now the vials and tubing were bought but the rest (so far) I'm building from scratch. I am having a hard time with sizing too.
I went with these for the vials
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UPS man dropped this off today:


It's totally beat up, but at least now I wont feel bad drilling holes in it and replacing the handle. :lol
Nice buy Nickytea! Hey are the displays in the case just timers?

I believe they are timers that can be adjusted by the two buttons on either side.

Just got in my vials, which I think look PERFECT! (From the link I posted above)


Now I just need to decide what amber liquid to seal inside.
I'm kinda stuck on what to use for the spools. Any thoughts?

Looking at the pictures, it's pretty obvious that they were custom machined for this. I'm not sure what I'm going to do for them yet (likely non-functional for the time being) but I'll be sure to post when I find something.
I was kinda worried about having liquid potentially breaking and leaking into the electronics. So I went with these.
I may scrap this project lol. what a tuffy! Nicky, hows your coming along?

I'm back at work, so I haven't had much time to advance. Been trying to source rubber bellows, but I think I'm just going to have to use a "close enough" for now.
Lol this project has me scratching my head! I was thinking of coiling black tubing for the bellows if I cant find any that fit.