Rebel Transport scratchbuild.

Yeah bro, wedged an 8rad in there, fitted well so why not huh lol. Hopefully all that jazz will really POP when i prime her!

Been toying with some cargo pod placements. Most are still in primary hues so they need the used look yet.
This is one hell of a job even getting close to the ILM prop placement, TBH i think my noseplate area could be too short, but ive kinda given up on going all anal lol, just fitting all the bridging parts to mount the pods is a head scratcher for sure.
The pods are held on with magnets, this has allowed me to fettle the position somewhat as glueing them in once shes all painted, would be even harder if the mounting points are a bit off.
Anyhoo, thanks for looking, and i think in time, itll still have the overall desired effect.



Awesome, Lee. We're never going to get a perfect top and bottom ortho view free of parallax, so if you are slightly off on the nose, it'll never be apparent to anyone but yourself. To the rest of us, this looks flawless.
Ralphee - take a look in the "Art of the ESB" book, page 62, left corner.
Notice the picture says: "heavy aging throughout - no.10 on the Fulmer scale!
Ralphee, that is nothing short of astonishing. Nice work!!!! I always thought these ships were the least interesting of all, but now I want one. :)
Martyn, well buddy i thank you for the kind words, not sure about flawless, im a hack LOL, i leave the word flawless for guys like Julien :lol

Michael, heh, cheers bro, PM you back in a while! ya there buddy, Fulmer effects to the max when its time for paint, the cargo boxes seem to benefit from a mist of the base color, so once i get them all painted, its then time to beat them up some!

Dave, aww cheers buddy, glad its given you some love for the subject matter. These are my kinda props, the blink and you'll miss it type lol. buddy what does bring tears to the eyes, is realising i still have a ton of plating, scribing and tiny styrene freckles to add LOL.

Eric, ah, well its not quite a patch on your ISD, thats just awesome, but thanks buddy, and yes the camera tripod has come in handy for moving this around while still WIP.

Allan, thank you sir, doing my best buddy, its a lonely road.......OK, OK ill try give up on making you feel guilty :lol

Thanks again guys for the input and for looking!

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