the absolute BEST Star Trek tunics ?

Anybody have any suggestions for reliable and good TOS Trek costume makers, a buddy mine is looking to get into costuming and wants to be a Red Shirt. I know that Anovos makes some nice one but they are way pricey and sure to be out of his budget. I looked up murraymousie on eBay as someone previously mentioned but she doesn't have any red tunics for sale, I suppose I could have my friend contact her but are there other recommendations?

Are there any suggestions for patterns in case my friend wants to go the DIY route? I noticed that is no more so I don't know where to go for patterns since there are lots of different sites selling patterns and I have no idea who is selling an accurate pattern. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
murraymousie makes a good product. Not quite on par with Anovos, but you can specify "upgrades" to get it closer. I have some of her stuff, and she's great to work with. Just message her and she will make you one. She only lists one of each until they sell, then puts it back up again, since all her stuff is made to order.

Roddenberry is alive and kicking - in fact they just came out with a pants pattern. Check it out:

Uniform Patterns - Wardrobe -
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