The RedHood (Pics inside) -Batman- Help modeling the helmet & mask for pepakura

Hey, like the work, the helmet sculpt is good, I have the statue and for the helmet its a great reference. I'm making RedHood costume for when I see Batman Live next month. I used sharkmark IV ironman tester by dubean33 pep file for helmet, figured i can body fill and smooth, its been fidly.
pics of eyemask,gloves and lense progress.View attachment 59961

View attachment 59962
Looks good. Mine's not the Pep model version as its a fully sculpted version from clay, but I will say that this pep stuff is interesting. Here's a few updates of my mask. It's being smoothed down now with an alcohol sponge and should be ready for molding tomorrow with its first few layers of silicone. After that, we'll put a Plasti-Paste mother around it and then.....hopefully, we'll be able to pull out a few good casts.

Oh yeah......before we do all that, we need to cut in those ever distinctive lines.

Hey Maovado, which Jacket do you think would be better for the Under The Red Hood Variant.

(Note, the helmet is just a bad Iron Man helmet I was working on with the SDCC Mask on it.)

Also, I've watched the movie 14 times since Your first post cause I finally got a copy and I noticed that they eyes are not part of the helmet, they are actually part of the mask, when he rolls the lid to Bruce and blows it up, you can see the eye grooves but they are solid red and his mask is black.

Just an interesting thing I just noticed a few minutes ago.
Head sculpt looking awesome Darth Movado, look forward to seeing finished sculpt.
I change my pep helmet, that was my first pep model. I'm now using Pep model RedHood by BlackKaos here on therpf. Its turned out ok for my 2nd go. Also finished guns,holsters,jacket/top and plates for the boots. 14days till BatmanLive Birmingham.
any feedback welcome
It's looking good so far, the guns were a good choice, remember he has them in the back of his pants, not on holsters.
yeah I was thinking that dude, I was going to re-size the holsters, but for ease and some where to put the two guns I went for the rear holsters.
I've seen some cosplayers with leg holsters and didn't want to do that as thats where the knife holster goes. I'm trying to pay homage to the animation RedHood as much as I can, but also thinking about what would work on a practical level
there are holsters for the back, I was going to just stick the guns in my pants like the movie since I'm carving mine from wood
good luck with the wood calve, never thought of that, look forward to seeing them when there done.
I did see some nice replica bb guns on internet, but they were £30-£40 each Colt1911, so I repainted and drybrushed the ones I have, originally orange and black plastic. Working on the knife at moment & lucky enough to own the DC statue for reference, using Halo Reach UNSC Combatknife by Juliet76 at 405th for base ref, then I'll sand the styrene to put the grooves in and make the knife holster afterwoods. Will post pics as soon as. cheers
any updates on sculpt Darth Movado? How's the wood guns going Prince Neo? check out my Red Hood Uk album for my updated pics, started knife/sheathe and first faze of the sanding.