Suggestion Tutorial Forum

Re: how about a toturial section?

That's what we do on the figure site. If you see one that isn't posted and seems handy you put the link in the thread and what it's about.
Re: how about a tutorial section?

Maybe a sticky "tutorial link" thread for each forum? That'd be a great shortcut. Having one in each forum would keep it focused on their specific set of items.

Re: how about a toturial section?

for that matter there could be something in the Q&A section as a sticky. then list the tutorials in alphabetical order. i think some the the "go to" guys should really appreciate it, they probably get hammered with the same q's over and over, they could make a tutorial, stick it in Q&A and done. there is a ton of things that can be listed there, from basic modeling to advanced, different types of resins and how to use them, fiberglassing and the various tech's and materials, mold making and different silicones, heck there's probably 100 different way to make molds and the type of materials that can be used on that subject alone. lighting is another one that can have a mass of info and the variations.

the more i think of it, i think a thread in Q&A would be better :)
Re: how about a toturial section?

I was just about to ask if anyone knew of good tutorials for resin cast/mold making. A sticky thread would be brilliant.
Re: how about a toturial section?

The very first tutorial in such a forum should be about the search engine feature here on the RPF. Because it would help to keep the site a little less cluttered and fragmented.

And I, just as the majority out there in the membership, know who should write it :lol

The second tutorial should be about the various forums and what they are about, e.g. our "Q&S"-forum, since we do not have a "Q&A"-forum:

Questions and Suggestions
Have a technical question about the site? Have a suggestion for improving your experience here at the site? Post both here!

The third tutorial should be about how to use the "edit"-feature for posts, in combination with a spell checker (I still can only hardly cope with the fact that I can´t change all of the typos and misspellings by editing other people´s posts anymore :p )

But to get the actual discussion back on track, who will maintain such a forum? Who is up for this? I´ve seen people start collections of information for Iron Man, but abandoning ship after something else caught their eye, leaving yet another pile of thread carcasses to rot in the depths of the RPF´s belly, unnecessarily bloating it up.

Suggesting or even demanding something new is always so damn easy, but it´s people who actually create content that are the real contributors around here, and even if it´s just a simple thing such as a how to on creating clean cuts in foam mats. Out of the necessity for such a collection of knowledge I created the Pepakura sticky, which is still frequented quite often. But there´s always someone new who does not care to raise his eyes to the top of the forum and actually read it. Not too long ago I read a reply by someone who actually said that he´d rather ask a question than to dig into the resources and search for the answer of his question, because he´d like to save himself some time. Maybe a dedicated tut forum would justify shooting down noobs who ask simple or basic questions over and over again :lol

So, what´s going to happen? Where are the tutorial collections? Get going, guys!
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Question..I noticed a lack of tutorials

Although I am enjoying, and envying, browsing the boards and seeing what the many talented people here are making. I have noticed a major lack of "tutorial" type posts. Sure I could Google alot of terms and processes I do not recognize but I would like to suggest the addition of a Tutorial/Education section to the site. IE Terms used, how to make molds, casting, sculpting, painting etc You could sub-divide it into sections like Beginner, intermediate, expert, Pro. Obvioulsy people wouldn't be asked to give away trade secrets or any technique that they use in a professional environment that may be company secret etc but I think it would help a lot of us n00bs to learn.

Just a thought, one of about 3 I have a day, now I need a nap to recover.
i really dont think a sticky on every thread would work, the problem is to many people pay no attention to them. i feel a dedicated section with break downs to the various types of craft would be better. the reason being is you would have to repeat to many tut's on other sections, such as vacuforming, it could be placed on several sections, as could working with air brushes and tech's. it would clutter up to many sections.

as for the tutorials them selves i thing they should be completed tut's not wip's because to many wip's fall off .
I would also like to see a tutorials section.

I suggest the following:
+ Prepopulate and sticky the Tutorials forum with threads for common films/tvshows. (starwars, bsg, fifth element, indiana jones). Users can then reply to these threads with links to tutorials/WIPs. (A moderator could easily copy URLs from posts into the first thread response to cut down on scrolling multiple pages.)

+ Anyone can also open their own non-sticky thread with specific tutorials they produce.

Hopefully a little bump helps.
Re: how about a toturial section?

Bumping this back up, as I've found myself searching all over the net for some info on specific processes that I know is within the knowledge base here, it's just not recorded. Truthfully, I don't find much info here on methods, I have to go to many different sites to usually find what I'm looking for. Maybe that lack of info is on purpose by many members who don't want their techniques known, maybe they're like me and don't mind sharing, but are terrible at recording how they did things, or maybe they're too shy and believe their method will be criticized, who knows.

Another issue is doing searches over the entire site. There's some great info here, but often times it's buried in a thread where the original topic might be completely unrelated.

But to get the actual discussion back on track, who will maintain such a forum? Who is up for this? I´ve seen people start collections of information for Iron Man, but abandoning ship after something else caught their eye, leaving yet another pile of thread carcasses to rot in the depths of the RPF´s belly, unnecessarily bloating it up.

Suggesting or even demanding something new is always so damn easy, but it´s people who actually create content that are the real contributors around here, and even if it´s just a simple thing such as a how to on creating clean cuts in foam mats. Out of the necessity for such a collection of knowledge I created the Pepakura sticky, which is still frequented quite often. But there´s always someone new who does not care to raise his eyes to the top of the forum and actually read it. Not too long ago I read a reply by someone who actually said that he´d rather ask a question than to dig into the resources and search for the answer of his question, because he´d like to save himself some time. Maybe a dedicated tut forum would justify shooting down noobs who ask simple or basic questions over and over again :lol

So, what´s going to happen? Where are the tutorial collections? Get going, guys!

I have no idea what the upcoming changes to the JY entail, but if they do eliminate the burden placed on the staff to approve all new member posts in there, what about having all new threads in a tutorial forum be monitored before being shown? You require the user to have a complete tutorial before it is approved. It would eliminate the threads where someone starts it, then bails halfway through.

Yea, I know it's easy for me to propose that when I'm not the one who would be reading and approving the tutorials before they are posted, but I believe there would be much fewer of them than new member posts in the JY (I'm only offering that idea if the JY yard approval method is going away).

Personally, I don't care for extremely broad tutorials, such as the pep thread. That's the equivalent of having a "molding/casting" thread. Even though there's many different types, open molds, slip, multiple piece molds, casting resin, epoxy, plaster, cold casting metals, etc. IMO much better to break things.
I've started making a few tutorials, and Xrobots has quite a few (some of which I've followed myself with success), a tut forum would be a great resource :thumbsup
Even a keyword/tag system would go a long way towards letting people discover posts, follow things they are interested in, etc.
I think maybe I've always thought it was sort of a field of dreams scenario , maybe we don't have many tutorial threads because we all just Include them in our build threads. But I think if we had one, maybe we would be more probe to post threads, videos and such all in one ace that didn't have to be a constantly updated thread every time a new tutorial thread pops up on a different board
Any action on this? I think a tutorial section or at least a tutorial link index, even to off-board tutorials would be very handy to me.
Any great tutorial threads?

I have a general idea of how most things are done on here, and what I don't know I can always Youtube. However at my job we have a lot of down time and I love browsing around here or thinking of making props. I'm going to be doing something very simple soon, but using metal which I have no experience with.

I noticed this forum doesn't really have a tutorial section? Is there maybe a thread that contains a list of links to other tutorial threads?

For instance when ever I see someone making molds and such I always see them turn the object red with something, and I have no idea what it is or what it's for. I am just hoping there are general tutorials around here about basic concepts, such as mold making, painting, tips and tricks, all that.

Thank you!
Any great tutorial threads?

The build threads can serve as tutorials. At least that's the mentality.
Re: Any great tutorial threads?

I would support a tutorial section. A few sites I have been on for various hobbies have had tutorial sections. And it would keep the guys in costume replicas happy, cause they wouldn't get so many noob questions. :)
Re: Any great tutorial threads?

Hmm. Maybe if we can round up some support for a prop-making tutorial section we can convince the admins to possibly add one? I have the feeling many members here would be more than willing to share or construct basic tutorials. Especially if they are in the middle of a build.
CB2001 I would agree, but many threads assume you know how to make casts and such, as is the case like when I mentioned, I have no idea what that red material is people always put on their casts. It's something everyone does, but no one explains. So those threads don't help me learn their process.
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