SpideyPlanet Spider-Man Costume

Hey there, the suit is made from spandex lycra. I have noticed over the years that people have very different experiences making the suit themselves. Some do a great job where others have more trouble. Mainly the sewing part creates problems, so unless you have plenty of experience, or know some one who has, I don't recommend it. Glueing of the webs demands plenty of attention too, but is much more do-able.
Just a quick preview. More coming soon!!

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Okay thank you for a while I wanted to make a costume I saw also spidey4fun costume that looks simple but realized yours is more faithful to the Web.
Besides, how can we procured web? and how he does it cost?

Thank you again.
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What if you put masking tape on entire top flat surface of the webs, flip them upside down and airbrush the sides using FW inks, it would be pretty fast as you cover the entire web with masking tape and the sides to be painted would be exposed, using the airbrush you aim as most as possible at the sides so you don't get much paint on the underside were it needs to be glued to the suit, I painted a full urethane Captain America helmet using FW inks, it adheres very good and doesn't flake off or crack, might be worth a try as you would save a bunch of time.


The FW ink came in the other day! I applied some ink to a stroke of web and had it dry for a few days.
You recommended aceton to prepare the webs, so I tried what kind of effect aceton has on the webs, and it appears it makes the webs swell like a maniac :O The webs become 3 times the size, so that’s not really an option…
Anyways the ink is dry now and regrettably can be removed easily by rubbing it. It does seem to crack as well when stretched, so it does not sink into the material like ink does when applied by a marker.

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I’ve met up with a fashion expert last week and showed him all my work. I was hoping he’d have some ideas on how to save time in the production process of the entire suit. The conclusion being that, if the suit had to be exactly the current quality, there was very little I could change to make it go any faster.
Regarding the webs he instantly excluded any possibility of doing it another way. He knew that molding 2 colors was out of the question and he did not believe the sides could be colored with this kind of perfection by airbrushing it.
Regarding the sewing little time could be saved as well. With the kind of precision needed in order to have the webs fit perfectly, spending time is inevitable. Unless the pattern is simplified and the webs are allowed to miss their target here and there. For the webs, in order to save time coloring the sides could be avoided. However my goal has always been creating the perfect spidey suit. So none of this is really an option..
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just received the spidey planet kit !!! awesome.The colors are very bright and the best i have seen.the webbing spiders lenses and all is simply perfect and came complete with the glue for the webbing,marker mesh detailed insturctions etc etc etc etc very very satisfied
Yeah, makes it obvious why I split the colors when you see it right? You can never achieve the same colors by printing them on white. Best of luck!
yep the red is printed on red fabrix and the blue on blue fabric so the colors are insane even when streched out completely.great work.Just sent out the kit to get sewn up hope everything will be perfect :0
Here are the pictures from the last shoot. I also made some video footage which I'm editing now. I'll post it as soon as it's finished.

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The FW ink came in the other day! I applied some ink to a stroke of web and had it dry for a few days.

You recommended aceton to prepare the webs, so I tried what kind of effect aceton has on the webs, and it appears it makes the webs swell like a maniac :O The webs become 3 times the size, so that’s not really an option…

Anyways the ink is dry now and regrettably can be removed easily by rubbing it. It does seem to crack as well when stretched, so it does not sink into the material like ink does when applied by a marker.

it's unfortunate the ink didn't work, would have saved a ton of time, at least you tried it.

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