2011 RPF Secret Santa Gift Exchange (sign up has closed)

Thanks for the support guys. To be honest this Jan/Feb was a bit of a perfect storm involving a site change and a very poorly timed illness. :unsure I feel bad that some people are suffering because of that.

The "stress" of it isn't too much. I'm one of the very few people you'll find who thought planning their wedding was a piece of cake and for a living I manage a bunch of highly strung nut jobs in a high stress environment. ;) (they would identify themselves that way too :lol)

I think in many ways it's easier to just have one person doing it and I'm not discouraged from doing it again next year, and the year after that, and so on.

Where I have received tremendous support is with volunteers who have given SO MUCH EXTRA to help me make it up to those who missed out. Two members in particular, *COUGH* The Next Doctor & Finhead *COUGH*, even now keep PMing me with "I can do another if you want!"

Have to beat those guys back with a stick they're too generous. :)

The last person "left behind" is wildabeast, everyone else is in the process of being sorted. His Santa has 24 hours to get back to me before I give him a new one and I *KNOW* this new one will make it right should it come to him.
The last person "left behind" is wildabeast, everyone else is in the process of being sorted. His Santa has 24 hours to get back to me.

Okay, posting this publicly so that there's evidence...

Wildabeast's Santa DID reply and is finally mailing the gift out tomorrow morning. This is last chance. I'm sorry wildabeast but as this is his last chance to make good I'm going to give it to him. I honestly don't think he's done this on purpose and he does know he screwed up. If this doesn't arrive in a reasonable time we'll give you the new Santa *AND* I'll send you something as well.

Fingers crossed.
I certainly hope so. It's one thing when I lose out because I'm too trusting but it's an entirely different situation if someone else does. You have been extremely patient (as have the others who are waiting) and I want to make sure it's not in vain.

My sincerest hope is that you receive something VERY soon! I may just have to send you something extra anyway. ;)
Okay, posting this publicly so that there's evidence...

Wildabeast's Santa DID reply and is finally mailing the gift out tomorrow morning. This is last chance. I'm sorry wildabeast but as this is his last chance to make good I'm going to give it to him. I honestly don't think he's done this on purpose and he does know he screwed up. If this doesn't arrive in a reasonable time we'll give you the new Santa *AND* I'll send you something as well.

Fingers crossed.

That's great news ! Hopefully it pans out for you and the rest of us ! :thumbsup
WOW THANK you Rollerboi...I got my X-files poster and it is wonderful. It's something that I have never gotten myself. I am doing a whole slue of X-files prop recently and was amazed by this. We have been moving and my mail has been scattered from this world to another world. It is truly amazing poster that I will cherish. Thank you again my friend. Just say the world on any X-files prop that you like that I do soon and they are yours.

WOW THANK you Rollerboi...I got my X-files poster and it is wonderful. It's something that I have never gotten myself. I am doing a whole slue of X-files prop recently and was amazed by this. We have been moving and my mail has been scattered from this world to another world. It is truly amazing poster that I will cherish. Thank you again my friend. Just say the world on any X-files prop that you like that I do soon and they are yours.



Glad it worked out for you in the end! :)
WOW THANK you Rollerboi...I got my X-files poster and it is wonderful. It's something that I have never gotten myself. I am doing a whole slue of X-files prop recently and was amazed by this. We have been moving and my mail has been scattered from this world to another world. It is truly amazing poster that I will cherish. Thank you again my friend. Just say the world on any X-files prop that you like that I do soon and they are yours.


Freakin' hell. I'm really glad you received it and like it. Again, I'm sorry for the delay. I was getting VERY frustrated because nothing I was doing was panning out... and then once I put the order in to Zazzle, it hung in their fulfillment mode for an interminable amount of time. I was just getting ready to PM O_B again to see if you've gotten this yet. Thank you for being so patient, I have really been feeling just rotten about this whole thing.
Got home to a smallish box...ripped it open immediately and look what I got...a very beautiful Corpse Locator from Hellboy...will go great with my Rasputin Diary I got in a PiF from O.B.....BIG thanks to my SS, and thanks for the note that was included...and to O.B. for his continued efforts on this thread...


You have no idea how happy I was to finally put an "R" beside your name!

One down, four to go.

Two of them the original Santa is sending a second gift and the other two have new Santas. :thumbsup
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